Friday, October 17, 2014

Kids' Room

Decorating a shared room for a boy and a girl was a huge, daunting task for me. Sure there are some ideas on Pinterest, but really not that many and as I was going through them, I didn't really like any of them or think that they would work for our small room. Most of them divide the room into two halves with a boy side and a girl side. I knew we would need a bunk bed and that makes having a distinct line impossible. 

I needed a theme that was gender neutral. For awhile I was thinking Disney, but Corbyn is kind of past the Disney stage and I didn't want Princess overload for my little boy. I finally came up with the idea of an ABC Zoo room and from there it all fell into place. I found these animal alphabet decals and basically decorated everything around them.

For this "tour" of the room, I'm going to start at the door and work my way around the room. Like I said, this is a small room and not only is it a bedroom, but a play room as well. Practically all of the kids' toys are stored in here, so it is full and a little crowded, but it works for us.

 I fell in love with these Color Bar Ledges from the Land of Nod. I ordered them not knowing exactly what I would put on them, but knowing they had to be in there! The table and chairs (originally from IKEA) came from Corbyn's old room. I took them apart, sanded them a little, and painted the wood gray to match the bed frame.

I made the chalkboard prints using this tutorial and this set of silhouette jungle clip art. I put them on blocks from the Wood Connection using this technique to give them a canvas look and feel. 

Moving on to Corbyn's corner of the room... (I didn't do a distinct line, but it worked out to have a corner for each kid.) Each years' birthday picture collage is hung in a simple white frame from Walmart. The dresser is from IKEA.

Corbyn got a new set of letters from the Wood Connection to match the font of Peyton's letters. The Greg Olsen print from Deseret Book is in this frame from IKEA.

Bookcase from IKEA, storage bins from the Land of Nod. We love these storage bins because they are sturdy, yet just the right amount of flexible and they come in a great selection of colors.

I made this Welcome to the Zoo sign with a wood plaque from the Wood Connection and elephants also from the Wood Connection. I cut the letters out of vinyl using my Silhouette. I had a ridiculous time finding the right easel to display it on. I finally found this small, unfinished easel on Amazon that worked perfectly because I could paint it whatever color I wanted.

These curtains were a major splurge from the Land of Nod. (100% worth it because they are the best blackout curtains ever and the perfect color/pattern I was looking for.) Basic curtain rod from Walmart. Temple print from an Etsy shop in a frame from IKEA. (I could have made the same thing myself, but it was for a good cause.)

Loft bed from Walmart. Bedding from Target. Mattresses from Amazon.

Frames from Wood Connection. Chalkboard print made by me. (Idea from here.)

I couldn't do a zoo theme without a few classic zoo animals hanging around. Giraffe and lion from Amazon. Corbyn got the monkey for his first birthday and it was one of his favorites when he was little (seen here).

Hippo from Amazon. Owl from Peyton's nursery (originally from Amazon). And the elephant was a gift when she was born.

Moving on to Peyton's corner...

Cube Organizer from Target. More storage bins from the Land of Nod.

Greg Olsen print and Peyton's letters from her nursery. I took off the paper and sanded the letters down and then redid them to match the new room. It was a lot of work, but Rog insisted that I could not buy new letters! I made the bow organizer from a frame that was in Peyton's nursery. I can't find the exact tutorial I used, but it's really not rocket science.

This wall was inspired by this picture Rachel posted of a corner in her house. I really wish our shelf could be close to the ground (like it is in Rachel's picture), but we just didn't have the space.

The shelf was from Corbyn's nursery (originally from Robert's). This purple is my absolute favorite color because it covers up any color in only one coat! Mirror from IKEA. I cut out the vinyl with my Silhouette. Minnie was a souvenir from our latest trip to Disneyland. (Spoiler alert: Peyton is getting more dress ups for Christmas to fill up those hooks!) 

Finally I made this necklace holder using this tutorial from Rachel.

And that's the kids' room! Lots of color, lots of fun. I'm no professional, but I kind of love how it turned out!


  1. This room is an ABSOLUTE masterpiece - I would love to live there - SO FUN!

    Love the detail you gave and the photos :)

  2. I love it! You did such a good job. And, trust me, your dress-up hooks will fill up quick. We're up to 3 dresses per hook! (We need an intervention) Now I can't wait to see baby's room ;) When do you find out the gender??

  3. It looks great! I love it and I bet your kids do too!
