Monday, November 10, 2014

Halloween Week

The Monday before Halloween we carved pumpkins for FHE. We got Corbyn to stick his hand in once, but it didn't last long! Peyton wouldn't go near the pumpkin guts. So Rog cleaned out the pumpkins and I carved.

Peyton wanted a Minnie pumpkin and I definitely felt like a rockstar mom when it actually turned out!

Corbyn got to dress up for preschool Thursday and Friday. (On Thursday with the Tuesday/Thursday class and on Friday with the Monday/Friday class.) They had a little party and went trick-or-treating to some of the classes in the high school.

Thursday night our ward had a chili cook off and trunk-or-treating around the cultural hall. I was flying solo that night because Rog was up at school, so I didn't get any pictures. Corbyn was a great big brother to take Peyton around the circle, so I could pass out candy.

For lunch on Friday we had mummy hot dogs, jack-o-lantern peaches, and orange soda in monster cups. The kids surprised me by actually eating it all!

For dinner we tried out Mel's Dinner in a Pumpkin. It was delicious (and easy) enough that we just might make it a Halloween dinner tradition!

Peyton was Minnie and Corbyn was Batman. I made Peyton's bow, but other than that I went the store-bought route this year.

We did a little trick-or-treating around our neighborhood before heading up to Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood where we had much better luck! We ended up with way too much candy and I can't wait for it all to disappear!

Rog and I didn't dress up, but I did wear my skeleton baby shirt. 

On Saturday we enjoyed watching BYU beat Middle Tennessee (27-7) to end their 4 game losing streak! After the game my parents sent us out on a date while they watched the kids. We had dinner at Panda Express (They have a honey sesame chicken right now that is amazing!) and then did a few errands because we're cool like that. 

It was a fun week celebrating Halloween!

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