Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ghoulish Feast 2014

We had our annual ghoulish feast the Sunday before Halloween. This is my favorite Halloween tradition and it did not disappoint this year.

I whipped up a menu using fonts found here.

Graveyard Dip (Just in case you're wondering, the tree is not something that can be made ahead of time! I learned that the hard way...twice!)

Witches Brew (I added a few drops of green food coloring.)

Haunted Salad (with croutons cut out using mini Halloween-shaped cookie cutters to make it haunted)

Spooky Squash (nothing spooky about it, just gave it a fun name so we could use some of the squash from my parent's garden)

Skeleton Ribs (idea from here, recipe from here)

Everything was delicious and maybe even a little scary!

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