Friday, November 21, 2014

Snow Day

Saturday morning we woke up to more snow. The kids and I spent the morning making mini pumpkin cupcakes for no reason other than they are so good they demand to be made at least yearly. Corbyn insisted that some of them be blue for the football game later that day.

We let Rog sleep in because he has been sick with a terrible cough that has been keeping him up half the night. When he woke up he took the kids outside to build a snowman. Corbyn named him Branches.

After a trip to Costco with the rest of Spanish Fork (it was seriously so so busy), we headed to the football game. The kids didn't last long and neither did Grandpa, Jared, and Cailey.

Rog and I stayed almost until the very bitter end to enjoy a cougar victory (42-23). We were playing UNLV who is pretty terrible, but with the way this season has gone nothing is a given anymore!

Other than our popsicle feet that took most of the night to thaw out, it was the perfect way to spend our snow day!


  1. You are a true fan! And I may have to try those cupcakes. I feel like I have been slacking in the pumpkin department this year

  2. More posts please! It's not like you are busy or anything....ha! Of course you are!

    xo, tracy
