Friday, November 14, 2014

Five on Friday

1. I had planned a pretty easy week as far as dinners go because I thought I was going to be busy potty training Peyton. When she decided she was going to have nothing with that, I just went along with my plan and it was kind of nice. I love cooking, but every now and then it's good to take a break too.

2. Tuesday was my Aunt Tracy's birthday. She's in Salt Lake for a few weeks, so we decided to go up and surprise her. We got dinner from Olive Garden and had a great time celebrating her birthday.

3. While up in Salt Lake, Rog and my dad helped rake my grandma's lawn. We don't have a lawn of our own to rake, so the kids had a blast playing in the leaves. I'm glad they got the opportunity before the weather turned cold the very next day!

4. We had our first snow of the season on Thursday. We got enough for the kids to go sledding and they quite enjoyed it. Of course it's all melted now, but it will be back.

5. We had a Relief Society activity about planning and simplifying Thanksgiving dinner and now all I can think about is our Thanksgiving menu. Turns out Logan really has a thing for cranberries because as of right now I've got my eye on 4 different cranberry recipes (Cranberry Punch, Cranberry Sauce, Cranberry Salsa and Cream Cheese Dip, and Nantucket Cranberry Pie).


  1. Fall and Winter just two days apart!

    Happy Birthday Tracy - We love you <3

    Cranberry cravings . . . interesting :)


  2. Thanks again for a wonderful surprise! I loved it and love you all!
