Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Hobbs Visit and Tracy Aviary

Last week Aunt Diana, Cousin Blake, and Cousin Skyler came to visit for a few days. Peyton was so excited to take Blake to nursery with her and all 3 of the older kids played so well together the whole time they were here. I didn't get any pictures of Skyler, but she is at a fun age and we spent a lot of time making her laugh.

Diana and Blake have Pass of all Passes from when they were here over the summer, so one day we went mini golfing at Trafalga. (It was hard to get good pictures because of the black lights. This is Grandma helping Peyton if you can't tell.) 

Corbyn's favorite part was pretending to play the arcade games even though we didn't put any money in them.

I had a $10 coupon that needed to be used at Kohl's, so we spent some time there. The kids had fun looking at all the toys and finding things to add to their Christmas Wish Lists. And I got this table runner for free - like I really didn't even spend a penny!

We also enjoyed dinner at Pizza Factory and introduced Diana to Waffle Love. It was fun to have them here!

On Saturday Rog had an activity up at the Tracy Aviary for school. Families were invited, so we all got to go.

Our good friends, the Woods, were there too because Cory started his MBA this semester up at the U. 

Peyton and Elsie were the cutest little friends walking around holding hands the whole time. 

And the birds were pretty cool too. It was a fun way to spend our Saturday afternoon!

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