Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's a...


We had our 20 week ultrasound last Friday afternoon. I already knew it was a boy (as in, I would have been so shocked if they had told me it was a girl), but it was good to get confirmation. Most importantly, everything looks just how it should and we are feeling so blessed! We can't wait for him to join our family in March!

Grandma watched the kids while we went to the ultrasound and we stopped by Macey's on the way home to pick up a couple balloons to share the news. They were both excited - especially Corbyn who would have been pretty upset if we brought home pink balloons! He has already decided that he will be calling him Dragon. (His best friend Rhys has a new brother that he sometimes calls Scorpion.)

This will be the 10th grandchild on the Phillips side (8th boy) and the 5th grandchild on the Ririe side (3rd boy). We definitely know how to do blue in this family!

Since finding out, we have been calling him Baby Logan and it feels right, so unless we have a change of heart, we'll be naming him Logan Ririe Phillips. My plan is to decorate the nursery in a blue football theme and I am most excited to make this football quilt!

Because Corbyn was born in June and Logan will be born in March, not all of Corbyn's clothes will work for Logan. I've already bought just a couple things that I know he will need. (A little brother shirt with a matching big brother shirt for Corbyn and newborn pajamas.) It's fun to shop in the newborn section again!

While we're talking baby, it seems fitting to do a pregnancy update. Thankfully, I can finally say that I am not feeling sick anymore. I was definitely sick the longest with this pregnancy. I am grateful to have that behind me... Just in time to start getting big and uncomfortable! I have been feeling pretty regular movement for the past month and Rog was even able to feel some kicks the other day. He seems to be most active at night after we get the kids to bed and I finally have a chance to sit down and relax for a minute. 

Anyway, here's my growing belly at 18 weeks and 20 weeks. 

21 weeks down, 18 to go! (Counting down to 39 weeks as I will likely be induced then.)

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