Monday, January 12, 2015

Homemade Gifts

For my mass homemade gift I went with an easy one this year. I got simple white frames from IKEA and had a picture printed up to switch out for each month of the year. Some were my own design, but most were free printables I found on Pinterest. (I got the idea here, but found my own printables.)

January, my own design.

February, here.

March, here.

April, here.

May, my own design (idea from here).

June and August, here.

July, here.

September, my own design.

October, here.

November, here.

December, from an email Hobby Lobby sent me Christmas Day 2013.

I printed off tags from here and tied an ornament on with some glittery tulle. I think they turned out pretty cute!

For the kids' homemade gift, I made a pair of poufs. I was inspired by Rachel making them for her girls last year and bought the supplies way back in April. My plan was to make them when I decorated their room, but ran out of time and really needed to get going on my advent calendar. So I decided to make them for Christmas instead. This tutorial is awesome and they were totally easy to make. The hardest part was finding time to sit down and make them during our busy month! I have enough filling to make another one, so maybe I'll have to make one for Logan's nursery.

I ran out of time to finish Rog's homemade gift before Christmas, but got it done for his birthday. (A benefit to him having an early January birthday.) I made him a frame to display all of his marathon medals together. It was incredibly simple and easy to make. I used my Silhouette to cut out the vinyl lettering and drilled holes before screwing in the hooks. The rest should be pretty self explanatory.

And that's the 2014 version of homemade Christmas gift giving!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I spied some poufs in your Christmas post! They look great. And I love the idea to do a frame with printables for every month.
