Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Rest of December

Some highlights from the last few days of 2014.

*Peyton "helped" dad shovel snow at one of his home teaching family's houses.

*We dropped off our car to be fixed. If there was ever a good time to be a one-car family, it was while Rog was on his break from school. My parents had to help us out a few times, but for the most part we survived with one car for a couple weeks. (Because apparently we don't have car rental insurance.)

*We finished putting together everyone's outfits for Jared and Cailey's wedding.

*We ran a million errands.

*We sent pictures to Grandma Phillips to show her how cute Peyton looks in the outfit she gave her for Christmas.

*We visited GG and opened Christmas presents from her.

*We went to Charlotte's Sheriff Callie birthday party.

*I hit the 28 week milestone on New Year's Eve. Hello 3rd trimester! 


*We played hide-and-seek and the kids discovered a new favorite hiding place.

*We made Dixie's famous egg rolls for New Year's Eve (because we didn't do them on Christmas Eve).

*I worked on my 2013 blog book and came so so close to finishing before the end of 2014...  

*We hung out and had appetizers with my family and the part of Cailey's family that had already arrived for the wedding on New Year's Eve. Then we came home to put the kids to bed and watched Now You See Me while we waited for midnight. We watched the ball drop, shared a kiss, and went to bed!

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