Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday

1. After our Lego sorting party on Sunday, we spent a good portion of the week putting together Lego sets. With them nicely sorted, Corbyn could find the pieces much easier and only occasionally needed to ask me to help him find one. We've been keeping a list of the pieces we're missing, so we can order them from because when you're 4, a missing Lego is pretty much the end of the world.

2. Rog left early (like 3:45 am) Wednesday morning for the UAB Healthcare Case Competition in Alabama. His team made it to the semi-finals (meaning out of 38 teams his team was in the top 12). Today they found out they didn't make the finals because they were up against the two teams that took first and second place. He's been preparing for the competition all month (and he's been gone a whole lot more than normal), so we can't wait for him to get home late tonight (like 11:30 pm) and be home a whole lot more next month!

3. I had my 36 week appointment on Wednesday. Everything looks good - I'm 1 cm dilated (better than nothing) and Logan is head down (phew). I can't wait for him to get here - only 3 weeks to go!

4. After posting about my love for Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana a few weeks ago, my friend Megan directed me to a knockoff recipe from The Pioneer Woman. I finally got around to making it the other night for dinner and it was just as good as Olive Garden's version. The kids didn't share my enthusiasm for it, but that won't stop me from making it!

5. I ordered The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under using our Disney Movie Rewards points. They arrived yesterday which was perfect timing because with Rog gone and the return of winter weather (although no snow to speak of other than a few flurries yesterday), we've been in need of a new movie distraction.

Selfies for Daddy


  1. I can't believe you're having a baby in 3 weeks!! It seems like your pregnancy has flown by, but it probably doesn't seem that way to you ;) We got Rescuers and Rescuers Down Under a few weeks ago but we haven't watched Rescuers yet because I remember it being scary. Do your kids think it's too scary or is it okay?

  2. I'm finally on my way home. And yes, the teams that knocked us out of the finals ended up being 1st and 2nd. It made us feel a little better about life.

  3. Yay, glad you found that recipe! I will definitely be saving it and making it later. :)

    Big month for you guys! Can't believe it's almost time for Logan to get here. So glad he flipped for you!
