Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Weekend Lovin'

Friday night was our turn to watch the kids for our date night swap. I signed up knowing Rog would be gone, but my mom came to help and it actually wasn't too bad. For the most part they just played together!

I did have one activity planned. I cut off the ends of baby carrots and tied them together in groups of 3 to make clover stamps. It was a good activity that all the kids could participate in.

Late Friday night Rog got home. I tried to stay up, but ended up falling asleep probably 15 minutes before he got home!

In the morning the kids were so excited to have daddy home! Rog is always the "fun parent," but even more so when I am less than a month away from having a baby! He brought them each an Itty
Bitty - Ironman for Corbyn and Rapunzel for Peyton. 

McKae and Anthony moved into a house in West Jordan on Saturday. We all went up to help because there was no way we were sending Rog off after being gone 3 full days! And of course we wanted to see Grandma Dixie too. (She had come from Colorado to help.)

Last time she was here I saw this sign at Kneaders when we went to breakfast there and almost bought it. She saw it at the Kneaders she works at and bought it for me! It fits perfectly in the spot I hung our advent calendar in December - which is great because now I don't have 2 random nails the rest of the year!

That night we went to dinner at Gurus' to celebrate Jared's birthday.

On Sunday Rog didn't have any meetings after church (a rare occurrence), so we enjoyed having him home all afternoon and evening!

I decorated for St. Patrick's Day - something I have been looking forward to for a long time because it means that it is March (the month that Logan will be born)! 

Corbyn's r and b letters in his room had some water damage from our humidifier. I finally got around to sanding off the paper, touching up the paint, and applying new paper. Rog thought I looked funny using the power sander in my pearls and 36.5 weeks pregnant.

I also sanded blocks to put together this quick St. Patrick's Day craft.

We rounded out the weekend trying out this pizookie recipe. It was absolutely amazing, but I paid for it at 3 am with a serious case of pregnant lady heartburn. 

It was a great weekend made perfect with the return of our favorite redhead!


  1. I am DYING for a pazookie now!

  2. You're amazing - even at 8+ months pregnant!

    Love the St Patrick's Day blocks and the sign,
    "Family Forever No Matter What"
