Friday, May 8, 2015

Five on Friday

1. Rog finished his semester on Monday - 2 years down, 1 to go! He's had this week off, but he starts his internship this coming Monday. 

2. We're having Corbyn's friend party next week (a month early) before his BFF, Rhys, moves for the summer. It's going to be a Lego party, so on Monday we went to the Lego store to get some supplies. The worker totally made Corbyn's day by letting him pick out a mini figure for his birthday when he found out we were there getting stuff for his party. 

3. On Tuesday we went to the Payson Temple Open House - even Logan got to come! (Something I'm sure we'll be telling him about his whole life.) It's a beautiful temple and we're excited for it to be our temple after it is dedicated.

4. After the open house, my parents kidnapped Rog and took him down to St. George to help move all the stuff from GG's house down there up here. To make up for leaving me with the 3 kids alone, they gave me money for dinner, so we got Culver's and ate at the park.

Luckily the kids were great and they were back before we knew it.

5. Yesterday Rog took Corbyn to see the new Avengers movie. He loved every minute of it! (And apparently this arms folded cool kid pose is his new way to take pictures.)

1 comment:

  1. So, GG's Manor all cleaed makes me want to cry, all the good times we had there, I even fantisised about my friends, Sasa and B.B. Av comimg to stay there , even imagined their room....sigh, another dream lost!m #What else
    is new
