Friday, May 8, 2015

PJ's Birthday: Family Party

We had Peyton's family party the day before her birthday. I wanted to use the waffle cone maker I got for Christmas, so we had an ice cream party. 

I really tried to keep things simple, so my only decorations were some balloons.

I tripled this waffle cone recipe and made a ton of waffle cones and waffle bowls.

I took the easy route and bought ice cream. We had strawberry, moose tracks, chocolate chip cookie dough, and vanilla.

For toppings we had sprinkles, toffee bits, strawberries, Oreos, Magic Shell (I totally forgot that stuff even existed until I was planning this party and I think it's going to become a staple in our cupboard now that I have been reminded how awesome it is!), and Buttermilk Caramel Syrup. I found these bowls and spoons at GG's house and they became my inspiration for the color scheme of the party.

We also had cupcakes because you can't have a birthday party without cake of some sort!

The birthday girl enjoyed her ice cream!

She was being shy and didn't want to be sung to or blow out her candles, but she eventually let us.

She was much more excited about opening her presents. She got a lot of fun Doc McStuffins toys and the Glitter Glider Castle (and some Glitter Glider Princesses to go with it) from Grandma Lori and Papa George. 

It was a great excuse to use my waffle cone maker! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! 


  1. You went the easy route and bought ice cream- ha! You kill me. Never would
    I ever have considered anything but store-bought ice cream, especially with a newborn!! Looks like a very fun and cute birthday party!
