Monday, June 29, 2015

Birthday Pictures

Like last year I had the kids' birthday pictures taken in between Peyton and Corbyn's birthdays at CheapShots Photography. And while we were at it, we took some of Logan and the 3 of them together. 

First up, our handsome Corbyn...

Pretty sure this is the first time he has ever let a photographer pose him.

Next up, our beautiful Peyton... She looks so grown up in these!

And our little Logan man... He would not smile for the strange lady taking his picture.

But when I was changing him into his outfit for the pictures of the 3 of them together he was smiling for me.

I don't love this one, but it's the best we got of the 3 of them together.

I almost like this more candid one better. 

I realized after we left that I should have had her take some of Corbyn and Peyton, Corbyn and Logan, and Peyton and Logan. I'll have to remember that for next year! 

Overall I'm so happy with how they turned out. We sure love these crazy, cute kids!


  1. So cute pictures of darling kids. wish I could see them more often...and meet Provo...I mean Logan...:)

    Well, it's about to start raining frogs here, how are you all doing?

    Love you!
