Sunday, June 28, 2015

Seven on Sunday

1. Tuesday afternoon we went to see Inside Out. It was $5 Tuesday at Cinemark and we were dying to see it. It was cute and fun, but also pretty insightful. We loved it!

2. On Wednesday after spending a couple hours at Seven Peaks we went to the BYU Bookstore, so I could buy a dress I saw when we were there on Corbyn's birthday that I couldn't stop thinking about. While we were there Corbyn saw this BYU football Lego set and clearly it was something we could not live without! (You can't tell in this picture, but the last mini figure on the right is Cosmo!)

3. Corbyn learned to ride his bike without training wheels this week. He has great balance on his scooter, so I thought he might be able to do it and I was right. We just took off his training wheels and away he went! So proud of this big boy!

4. Saturday morning was the Grand Opening of the Spanish Fork River Trail. Corbyn rode his scooter, Peyton rode her bike, and I pushed Logan in the stroller 4.5 miles of the trail. Grandma and Grandpa came with us and rode their bikes as well. (Rog was volunteering at the American Fork Half Marathon as part of his internship.) We collected stamps along the way and at the end we got hot dogs, wristbands, water bottles, tail lights, and t-shirts. We also won a $50 gift card to an athletic store here in Spanish Fork, roller blades (that we will return because they don't fit any of us), and a helmet. It was such a fun event and I was so proud of the kids for making it the whole way!

5. When we got home from the grand opening, we ran through the caterpillar sprinkler to cool off. And then for dinner we grilled Asian BBQ Chicken Pizza. It was a pretty perfect summer day.

6. We have baby giggles!

7. We finally finished this Beauty and the Beast Thomas Kinkade puzzle. We have been working on it sporadically for over a year now. It has 750 pieces and was much more difficult than you'd think. One of my goals for the year was to finish 3 puzzles, so we'd better be a lot quicker doing our next 2 puzzles.


  1. Cute baby giggles! Those are the best! And way to go Corbyn on no training wheels. That's the same street two of our kids learned to ride bikes. Good memories. :)

  2. That was a very fun and long week.


  3. Way to go on the puzzle...I used to not like Thomas..I don't know, he seemed a little self-righteous or something......then I found out he was an alcoholic...and felt such compassion for him.
