Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Corbyn's Birthday: Friend Party

As I mentioned before, we had Corbyn's friend party a month early, so his friend Rhys could be there for it. (His family moved to Arizona just for the summer for his dad to do an internship there.)

We had a Lego party.

I decorated and did everything in primary colors.

I made this Lego block banner. I'm going to have to find a better place to put it for his family party because it was hard to see (and photograph) with the light from the window behind it. 

We had cupcakes (with Lego blocks made using these molds) and Kool-aid.

The kids built Lego cars and then raced them down a ramp. We filled a cup at the Lego Store with all the parts we needed for the cars and built the ramp with some help from our neighbor, Randy Haider.

All the guests with their cars - Easton Zorad, Corbyn, Rhys Howard, Peyton, Hazel Howard, Owen Reed, Clay Reed, Jack Hendricksen.

For party favors I couldn't really find anything Lego to give out, so I just filled bags with some candies and a Silly Putty and made a Lego block tag to make it go along with the theme.

It was a fun party and I'm glad Corbyn got to celebrate with Rhys!

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