Friday, June 12, 2015

Five on Friday

1. We got out the Jumperoo for Logan this week. His toes barely touch the floor, so he can't really jump yet. But he loves standing and looking at the toys and he'll grow into it soon enough. 

2. The kids and I went to Seven Peaks for the first time this summer with Grandma and Grandpa on Tuesday. We took turns riding the slides with the big kids and hanging out with Logan in the shade. I dressed Logan in his swim suit and a swim diaper, but didn't even get around to dipping his toes in the pool before we had to hurry home for dinner and Corbyn's baseball.

3. I recently agreed to fill a vacancy on our HOA board created when one of the board members sold his home and moved out last month. I had my first HOA board meeting this week and I think I'm going to enjoy it. I'm the secretary, so I'm in charge of the minutes (a good job for me) and best of all, we don't have to pay our HOA fees while I'm on the board! 

4. Last Friday I took the kids up to my happy place (The Wood Connection), so this week I made some time to craft. It took me 3 tries to get the right color for the creamsicle stick, but I'm pretty pleased with the end result. This is the first craft I've been able to finish since Logan was born and it feels good to be doing something just for me again. 

5. Tonight we went up to a Bees game in Salt Lake. It was a beautiful night and we had a great time even though the kids didn't last too long before insisting that it was time to go home! 


  1. You are a marvel. It's like you never even had a baby, you've bounced back so quick! You look amazing and you stay so busy! You're giving me hope for whenever we have a third!

  2. You are so amazing dear daughter! Love you all so very, very much <3
