Friday, October 23, 2015

Five on Friday

Five things I have been loving lately.

1. If You Give a... Books. If You Give a Dog a Donut is my favorite, but they're all too cute. (And also, Scholastic book orders - cute books at good prices and they help earn books for my kids' classes. What's not to love?)  

2. Chex Clusters cereal. I don't always eat cereal for breakfast, but when I do this is my current cereal of choice.

3. BYU Creamery's Graham Canyon ice cream. I'm feeling very sad that I just barely discovered this flavor.

4. The Longest Ride movie. I haven't read the book because my sister says it's not as good as the movie and I don't want to spoil it. When it came out on DVD I couldn't resist buying it.

5. Monopoly Deal. I seriously hate Monopoly, but the card game is nothing like the board game. (And it's only $4.99 on Amazon!) Jared, Cailey, and my mom are kind enough to play it with me almost every Sunday to give me my weekly fix.


  1. I'm enjoying reading the "If You Give a . . . " books to your kiddos :)

    Glad you discovered Chex Clusters and Graham Canyon. I'd like to try that flavor of ice cream.

    Can I borrow that movie sometime?

    Enjoy playing games with my family. I'm always GAME - hee hee

  2. Graham canyon is just about the best thing to ever come from the creamery!!! So so so delicious!!! And I'd have to disagree about the movie vs. book - book was WAY better!

  3. I've always said Graham canyon is the best flavor and no one agrees with me! Ahhh, what I would give for some right now!


  4. Isn't "The Longest Ride" just a "Straight" version of "Brokeback Mountian"? (Which was amazing)
