Saturday, October 17, 2015

Conference Weekend

Conference weekend started out the best way possible with a BYU football game Friday night. We always get a Cougar Tail at one game a season and we decided to get it this game because the kids weren't there, so we didn't have to share.

We beat Connecticut 30-13 - it sure felt good to get a win after 2 hard losses! 

Saturday morning we exchanged treats with some neighbors. Kelli and I both made Pumpkin Snickerdoodles which was pretty funny mostly because Rog always says we are practically the same person.

After the afternoon session of conference my mom, Cailey, and I went to the Wood Connection for a fun girls' night out. They had giveaways every so often and I won a Gather letter set. 12 is my lucky number, so it was fitting that I won it with the number 12!  

Sunday morning we went up to Salt Lake for the Ririe Waffle Breakfast. We watched the morning session there. Corbyn and Peyton were good for all the sessions of conference, but I think this was their best session. They played quietly doing puzzles and other activities pretty much the whole time.

I love how often my dad wants to hold Logan! 

In between sessions we drove back to Spanish Fork and then watched the afternoon session at my parent's house. My mom, Cailey, and I worked on a craft we got at the Wood Connection while we listened. Peyton helped Grandma with hers.

It was fun to see our different interpretations of the same craft. (I didn't do a pumpkin because I already have a lot of pumpkin decorations. And my mom also did a moon, but it's not pictured because she hadn't finished that one yet - I ran out of yellow glitter, so she had to buy more before she could finish it.)

There were many wonderful messages shared, but Elder Holland and President Nelson in particular shared messages that were just what I needed to hear. As always I can't wait for the Conference Ensign to arrive, so I can study it and find the gems I missed! 


  1. It was a great General Conference weekend with inspiring messages from our leaders and lots of time with family :)

    Thanks Shauna for inspiring me to attempt a craft - it's been a long time and I didn't always finish my crafts - but this time I did!

    I loved having sweet PJ help me paint :)


  2. Awwwwwwww, Ct, really? As you know, I have a real connection there....or a sad connection there on the other hand, good for you :)

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