Saturday, October 3, 2015

Logan's Quilt

I finished Logan's quilt on his 6 month birthday. (My goal was to finish by his 6 month birthday - I have to give myself deadlines or nothing ever gets done!) I had so much fun taking pictures of the quilt and Logan with it since he is so photogenic right now! 

I used Cluck Cluck Sew's Touchdown pattern. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love their patterns! I first discovered them when I used their Juice Boxes pattern for Peyton's quilt and I'm sure I'll be making more of their quilts in the future. Their patterns are well written and easy to follow and they have the cutest designs!

I had Just in Time Quilts machine quilt it in BYU's Y logo. (They have tons of designs to choose from and if they don't have what you're looking for, they are happy to add your desired stitch to their collection.) The design is kind of subtle on the front...

But really shines through on the back.

This wasn't on purpose, but Logan's quilt is the biggest of the kids' quilts. Which ended up being a good thing since he didn't get to use it as a newborn. And now he's like ginormous! I positioned him like this for these pictures, but he had no trouble holding himself up after I got him there.

I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. It is the perfect finishing touch to his room.

And if you're wondering, yes, this is the same onesie he wore in his 2 month pictures. Well, not the exact same one... Obviously. That one would be much too small now. I ordered another one in size 6-9 months, so I could take pictures of him with his quilt. I have issues.

And of course he'll be able to wear it to BYU football games too. About a quarter of his 6-9 months clothes are navy and/or football related in some way.

No brainwashing going on here. Ok, maybe a little. Or a lot. Go cougars!

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