Thursday, October 8, 2015

Weekends in September

It's the time of year when our weekends revolve around BYU football.

September 12th we beat Boise State 35-24. It was one of the very best BYU football games we've ever been to! With 45 seconds to go we were losing 24-21, but we miraculously scored 2 touchdowns in those last seconds to win!

It was also Logan's first tailgate. (Grandma took him home for the game, so he's still waiting for his first football game.)

Friday night was movie night at Rees Elementary... (The movie was Rocketman and it was one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen, but the kids had fun.) 

And Sunday was Regional Conference, (So, Rog was home all day and we had time for pancakes for breakfast!) 

The next weekend (September 19th) we lost to UCLA 23-24. The weekend started out good enough. A long bike ride for Rog...

And then play time at the park for these cute kids and their dad while I ran on the river trail.

We decided to go to Krispy Kreme for Talk Like a Pirate Day. They were giving away donuts (whole dozens) if you dressed like a pirate, so we picked up some eye patches and bandanas at the dollar store and pulled out some of our pirate stuff from when Corbyn was into Jake and the Never Land Pirates.

We finally made it inside after waiting for an hour and a half, but then the line stopped moving and we made the hard decision to leave. (We told the kids we'd get donuts at Macey's instead and when we went there were only a handful left!)

The game was a late one, so I watched it at my parent's house while Rog listened to it on the radio at home. I thought I was teaching Relief Society the next day and hadn't prepared enough during the week, so I worked on my lesson during commercial breaks and halftime. We were leading the whole game, but lost in the very last minutes. (And I got to church the next day and discovered I was not teaching after all!)

September 26th we lost miserably (0-31) to Michigan. We were at my Great Uncle Elden's funeral during the game, so we were saved from watching the massacre.

^This picture was in a video photo collage they put together - Elden holding me at my sister's baby blessing (so I was about 2).

Friday night Peyton and I went to a retro girl's night out put on by our relief society. Peyton was so excited to dress up together. She kept saying, "We're twinners!"

We painted our nails...

Took silly pictures... 

And had ice cream. (So glad I have my girl to go to these things with me!)

And finally, Sunday night we let the kids stay up late to watch the new Cinderella and Peyton fell asleep on my lap.

So after starting the season with 2 very exciting wins, we finished the month 2-2.

1 comment:

  1. I learned about some activities I hadn't heard about previously:

    Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme's - Sorry no free donuts after dressing up like pirates!

    The retro girl's night out looked so fun and I love the photos :)
