Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fourth Quarter Reading

I read 8 books last quarter bringing my year's total to 35 - which is seriously huge for me! And I think it should be noted that I actually read all my books. (Not that listening to books doesn't count, but I think it's a little harder to fit in actual reading time.) I can listen to Harry Potter, but as a general rule I hate listening to books.

1. In This Together by Ann Romney - It's no secret that I love Mitt and Ann Romney, so it was pretty much a given that I would love her book. She talks about being diagnosed with MS and how she overcame that trial in her life. After struggling with anxiety this last year, I was particularly interested in how her disease affected her mentally. And I loved reading about the Salt Lake Winter Olympics and Mitt's Presidential Campaign from her point of view.

2. The Hypnotist's Love Story by Liane Moriarty - It's also no secret that I love Liane Moriarty's books and this one was no exception. I have now read all of her books and I'm dying for her to write another! Ellen is a professional hypnotherapist who recently started dating Patrick. On one of their first dates Patrick tells Ellen that he is being stalked by his ex-girlfriend which Ellen finds intriguing. She even wants to meet her and of course she doesn't know it, but she already has.

3. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell - Blink is a book about how we think without thinking and make decisions in an instant by "thin-slicing." I found it incredibly interesting, but spent most of the book wondering, so what? He attempts to answer that question in the final chapter, but I was still left wondering. Even so, I really enjoyed reading it.

4. The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith - Precious Ramotswe is a sassy lady who starts a detective agency in Botswana after inheriting money from her father. She solves mysteries relating to missing husbands, wayward daughters, con men, impostors, and the like. I read this for my book club and based on the title and cover, wasn't sure I would enjoy it. I was pleasantly surprised - proving once again that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover!

5. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson - The Herdmans are known throughout town for being the worst kids in the history of the world. Everyone is surprised when they invade church one Sunday and take over the annual Christmas pageant. I figured it was about time I read this Christmas classic. It was a quick, light read that had a good message at the end. 

6. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell - This book was hugely popular a few years ago although everyone I know who read it, didn't like it. For some reason I decided to read it anyway. It had way too much language for me, but aside from that it was enjoyable. It is the story of two misfits who fall in love. It led me to reminisce about the times I have fallen in love which is why I think I liked it.

7, 8. How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse, How to Twist a Dragon's Tale by Cressida Cowell - Corbyn and I lost a little steam on our dragon reading this quarter. We still enjoy reading them together, but most nights Rog reads to Corbyn while I am nursing Logan and putting him to bed which makes fitting in our dragon reading a little difficult.

First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter.


  1. Eight is very impressive for not listening to any! And I cannot believe you hate audiobooks!!! They're the only way I exercise, fold laundry, clean, and do dishes! I'm excited to start The Hypnotist's Love Story now!

  2. I'm always annoyed with people that count audio books as books they've "read" - especially when it comes to reading challenges, haha.
