Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fourth Week of December

December 20th: The kids got to open and read a new Christmas book. This year it was Christmas Oranges. After church we drove down to St. George for Great Grandma Phillips' funeral.

^My boys hanging out in the hotel room.

December 21st: We went to Great Grandma Phillips' funeral. Rog spoke and did a great job honoring a wonderful lady. 

At the luncheon after the funeral, Corbyn and Jaxon put together this puzzle. They wanted to give up, but I wouldn't let them.

We ordered Cafe Rio on their website (on my phone) on our way home, so we could just stop and grab it. Sadly when we got there, we learned they were all out of pork. (They gave us one of our meals free to make up for it.) So I got chicken and Rog got beef and we were both sorely disappointed. Why do they even make any meat other than pork?

After putting the kids to bed I sat down and busted out a stocking for Logan. Well technically, the one I made (4th one from left) became Peyton's stocking. So I took Peyton's stocking (2nd one from the left) and Logan got my stocking (5th one from the left).

December 22nd: We went to the Ririe Christmas party. We had dinner at Golden Corral and then went to my Grandpa Ririe's house for a short program and presents. Kiera did the program and she taught us about a Christmas tradition they have in England (where she grew up). I can't remember what they're called, but basically they were oranges with a candle stuck in the top and decorated with candies. We didn't light the candles (because the little kids would have burned down the house), but we sang Christmas carols while holding them after we got them decorated.

Corbyn got the Hulkbuster Lego set.

Peyton got Doc McStuffins Duplo Legos.

And Logan got the Little People 101 Dalmatian car and the Little People Jungle Book car.

December 23rd: We decorated a Gingerbread House (from a kit). Rog and I don't love this activity, but it is always Corbyn's favorite activity.

December 24th: We had egg rolls and fried rice for dinner. Then we watched the Living Scripture Nativity video and had cake (this one - the buttercream frosting version) for Christ's birthday.

After getting the kids to bed, Rog and I finished prepping some food for Christmas morning and got Christmas all set up in the front room.

^I snapped this picture right before heading up to bed. 

1 comment:

  1. Mattie got the same Duplo set as Peyton! And this may shock you but I don't like Cafe Rio pork, I always get chicken! And it's my favorite food ;)
