Sunday, January 3, 2016


Time to catch up... To do that, we've got to go all the way back to November! 

The first week in November Rog was in Colorado interviewing for the Centura fellowship. It was his last fly-out interview and by this point we were all ready for the whole process to be done! One night I came in from putting Logan to bed and found Peyton like this. It was a tender mercy because Peyton can be especially difficult at bedtime.

While he was gone my mom and I went to the Pinner's Conference together. We had signed up before we knew he had a fellowship interview, but luckily I was able to work it out, so we could still go. A couple of my friends helped out by watching Corbyn and Peyton for part of the day (Corbyn was at school for most of it) and then my dad watched them after he was done with his shift at the SF Family History Center. Logan got to come with since he has never had a bottle in his life.

We took a lot of fun classes. I was particularly excited about going to one taught by Kate and Sara from Our Best Bites. I also really enjoyed taking a Wood Connection class where we made a Christmas Pickup Truck.

I never am able to get Christmas crafts done, so it was nice to have an hour to devote to crafting and nothing else. I did have to assemble it at home, but I got it all painted there which was a large majority of the project. 

After Rog's fly-out interviews were done and his job secured, he suddenly had a lot of free time. I put him to work with a few jobs around the house. He put in another coat rack above the one he put in earlier in the year for our coats. 

He also hung Peyton's 3 year collage.

And Corbyn's 5 year collage.

We got together with a few of our best friends from BYU at Pizza Pie Cafe one night.

Peyton bundled up in her new coat and played outside (while Corbyn was at school) for the first snow of the season. It was mostly all melted by the time Corbyn got home, but we've had plenty of snow since then for him to enjoy!

I've taken over posting for Just In Time Quilts' Instagram account and in November I did a series of posts over a week or so about how to make a cuddle quilt (with no sewing required). All you have to do is pick the fabric, send it in, and Dixie will do the rest! I had her machine quilt a sample one for me while Rog was in Colorado for his interview and then I finished it up. I always bind my quilts by hand, but I knew I didn't have time for that, so I used it as an opportunity to learn to bind with a machine. I still prefer the hand-bound look, but for a simple quilt like this it's much more practical to do it by machine.

Rog and I finished our 2nd puzzle of the year, Thomas Kinkade's Peter Pan puzzle.

Peyton helped me finish painting a few things for our master bedroom.

I still have one small thing to finish to make this wall just how I want it, but it's getting pretty close to being done!

Peyton, Grandma Lori, and I went on a mommy-daughter-grandma date with the Howards to Zupas and then to see the Nutcracker put on by Peyton's dance studio. (While we were gone the guys had pizza and watched Star Wars.)

Corbyn and Peyton had tickets to the last home game of the season against Fresno State. It was pretty chilly, so they didn't last the whole game - Grandma was running errands close by, so she came and picked them up. While Rog was taking them out to meet her, I saw Cosmo down right in front of us taking pictures with fans. I ran down there with Logan and had Cailey take pictures of us. I was bummed Rog, Corbyn, and Peyton weren't there, but so glad I had kept Logan with me!

We tried moving Peyton up to the top bunk to see if that would help her stay in her bed a little better at night since she still comes in our room most nights at some point. (It didn't help, so we moved her back to the bottom bunk.)

I gave blood in this funny portable blood donation van. It was in Spanish Fork for the day, so they scheduled me to donate there.

Our HOA takes care of snow removal, but Corbyn and Rhys were needing something to do, so Rog put them to work shoveling one day. I think they thought it was pretty fun.

We made a Thankful tree and had fun filling it up all month.

And in a nutshell that was our November. (I'll post about Thanksgiving in a separate post.)


  1. Once again, you absolutely amaze me! I can't imagine how you can have any "free time" with 3 little ones, however, you totally inspire me, if only to get the necessary things done around here! Now to get rid of this pesky Depression thing!

    Your little red truck is darling!


  2. OOps, I read it wrong...Rog had a lot of free tome! Well, whoever! You still amaze Love!


  3. Make that time! I thinke a "Tome"is a long "The Bible is a fine Cooth Tomb" Geddit?
