Monday, January 11, 2016


It was our year to spend Thanksgiving in Colorado with the Phillips. We didn't leave until after Corbyn's school on Tuesday because they were having a cute Thanksgiving etiquette meal that I didn't want him to miss. (Rog was pretty mad about this, but it actually worked out really well - so well that we did the same thing coming home.) We stopped for dinner at a McDonald's and let the kids get some wiggles out. And then Rog was a rockstar and drove the rest of the way while the kids and I slept. 

We stayed with the Hobbs and did our best to spend time with them too. (Splitting time between families is hard.)

^The Hobbs have an awesome, old school Nintendo 64. Corbyn and Blake spent most mornings in their pajamas playing Smash Brothers together. And Logan spent most mornings pulling on the cords. 

Wednesday we hung out with the Phillips during the day. Corbyn had fun playing video games with his Phillips cousins too. This picture cracks me up - which one is Corbyn?

If you guessed left, you are correct. (Sam is in the middle and Aiden is on the right.)

 Wednesday night we went out to eat with the Hobbs and then Diana and I went to see Mockingjay, Part 2. Rog texted me this cute picture of story time with all the cousins (except Logan who was already asleep).


Thursday morning I ran the Turkey Trot Rock 5K with Diana and Irving. We weren't expecting it to be as cold as it was (It was absolutely freezing!), but we survived. 

As soon as we got back from the run, I started cooking the rolls for Thanksgiving dinner at Diana's house. Cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen made it a bit tricky and they weren't perfect, but they were good enough.

^While I was making the rolls, this was going on at Mike and Dixie's house. Cousin Mason holding Logan. I just love Logan's face - pure terror!

The Phillips are known for their pies and they did not disappoint!

After Thanksgiving dinner Jason watched the 4 older kids while Diana, Rog, and I did some Black Friday shopping at Walmart. Logan got to come with.

On Friday we went to Crave for lunch - Roger's Uncle Rey and Cousin Kathy came with making 25 of us!

We got ornaments at St. Nick's and I did some more Black Friday shopping at the Castle Rock Outlets. Then we played RockBand in Rex's theatre and had a little party to celebrate his birthday.

We had decided that instead of doing a sibling gift exchange for Christmas we would do a service project. We made simple cuddle quilts, but with all the fun things we had planned during the daytime hours, we didn't have enough time to get them done. Some of us got together Friday night to work on them. 

^I am seriously envious of Dixie's enormous cutting table!

Saturday morning we all braved the cold to get a family picture. It was so cold, but I think this picture made it all worth it!

After pictures we had Grandma's cookie party while the dads went shooting.

All the Pack 'n Plays were being used by older kids (although I'm not sure any of them actually napped), so Logan took his afternoon nap on a blanket on the floor.

Grandma and Grandpa watched Logan while the rest of us went to see The Good Dinosaur.

^Corbyn and Sam got to be really good buddies this trip!

After the movie we had dinner with the Hobbs and Diana and I finished a puzzle we had been working on.

^Nothing worse than finishing a puzzle and realizing you're missing a piece! We looked everywhere, but never found it.

Sunday morning we went to church with the Hobbs and then said goodbye to everyone and hit the road. It was a fun (and very busy) few days!


  1. Rog got mad.....he doesn't do that....does he?


  2. Those pictures with all of the cousins and family are so great-adorable! Makes me lonely!

    Love to all!


  3. That missing puzzle piece makes me crazier! Beautiful picture though.
