Sunday, February 7, 2016


Christmas morning started out early (but not too early). When the kids woke up we called Grandma and Grandpa and while we waited for them to arrive, I did Peyton's hair (much to Rog's dismay). Then it was on to the presents!

Santa brought us a couple big family presents this year - a Wii U (because our Wii that we've had since our first Christmas together died and even though Rex and Taylor tried to convince us to get the Playstation 4 or XBox instead) and Disney Infinity for Wii U. (We got both of them on Black Friday at Walmart for a great deal.)

Santa brought Corbyn a Master of Fire Bionicle (that he immediately went to work putting together!)...

And an Avengers Storybook Collection (that has been a huge hit).  

His stocking had a R2-D2 Itty Bitty, a Mixels Lego set, a Skittles candy cane, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (season 1), Lego Marvel Super Heroes for Wii U, and the Hulkbuster figure for Disney Infinity.

From Mom and Dad he got an Avengers bike (want), Wii Motion Plus Adapters (need), Star Wars pajamas (wear), and a Ninjago Lego activity book (read).  

Santa brought Peyton a Frozen scooter and a Princess Storybook Collection.

Her stocking had a Doc and Lambie Itty Bitty Clippy, a necklace, nail polish, a Skittles candy cane, Cinderella, and the Elsa and Rapunzel figures for Disney Infinity.

From Mom and Dad she got Anna, Cinderella rags, and Jasmine princess dress ups (want), a dance bag (need), ballet shoes and a ballet skirt (wear), and a set of Pinkalicious books (read).

Little Adventures' dress ups continue to be a favorite at our house and when they're only $10 each at their warehouse sale, it's pretty much impossible not to buy them all.

Her dance bag is from an artist I follow on Instagram (LittleMoonDance) found here.

The Pinkalicious books have definitely been her most-requested books at bedtime.

Santa brought Logan a fun Lion King toy.

His stocking had a Woody Itty Bitty, bath toys, and a toothbrush.

From Mom and Dad he got an activity puzzle (want), cups and refillable pouches (need), shoes (wear), and a set of Disney board books (read).

He loves having his own cups like the big kids. (I give him just a tiny bit of water in them occasionally, so he can learn to drink from a cup.)

He was our oldest baby for his first Christmas, so I thought he might be a little excited for some of the stuff he got. Nope, we could have got him absolutely nothing and he wouldn't have cared one bit. But how cute is our Santa baby?!

Santa brought Rog a gift card to the Quarry, so he could take rock climbing lessons. (He mentioned that idea to me and thought I had forgotten, so he was pretty excited when he opened it up.)

His stocking had a snowman Itty Bitty, Christmas Spot-It, a Reese's Pieces candy cane, Aladdin, and the Darth Vader and Han Solo figures for Disney Infinity.

From me and the kids he got Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii U, movie tickets and a gift card to Culvers (because he needs to take his wife on a date), a hat and athletic shorts (wear), and The Martian (read).

Santa brought me a gift card to the Wood Connection. 

My stocking had a penguin Itty Bitty, mascara, a Reese's Pieces candy cane, a personalized Christmas spatula (from Pick Your Plum), The Age of Adaline, Mockingjay Part 1, and the Aladdin and Jasmine figures for Disney Infinity.

From Rog and the kids I got Inside Out and Diddy Kong Racing for Nintendo DS (want), a fleece jacket (need), a necklace (wear), and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: the Illustrated Edition (read).

I'm pretty much obsessed with all of The Dainty Pear's necklaces. This is my third one! (Chief loves Rog.)

After presents we had breakfast - Wassail, Apple Pie Cinnamon Rolls, and Holiday Fruit Soup. (I borrowed the cute Christmas plates from my mom.)

Then we called Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Mike and had the kids open their presents from them. They each got an outfit. And then Corbyn got a marble tower set, Peyton got Disney Princess Barbies, and Logan got the Little People Big Animal Zoo.

I painted Peyton's nails with her new nail polish and we got ready for the day.

I made the most perfect batch of rolls for dinner. (And I couldn't resist sneaking one when they were fresh out of the oven!)

That night we had dinner at my parent's house - Cranberry Salsa and Cream Cheese Dip, Raspberry Ribbon Salad, Pear Pomegranate Salad, Stuffed Potatoes, World's Best Dinner Rolls, Costco ham, and Peppermint Ice Cream with Hot Fudge for dessert. 

Then the kids opened their presents from Grandma Lori and Papa George. Corbyn and Peyton got a Nintendo 2DS to share. (This was the Christmas of gaming systems. We have a system worked out for limiting screen time that is working quite well that I will have to write about in another post.) Corbyn also got the Wreck-It Ralph game for Nintendo DS and a set of light sabers. 

Peyton got the Tangled game for Nintendo DS (that we learned actually requires a lot of reading, so we got her Frozen: Olaf's Quest for Nintendo DS with some of her Christmas money specifically because it got bad reviews saying it was too simple - perfect for a 3 year old!) and Hoot Owl Hoot! (a cooperative board game that has been so so fun).

Logan got the Little People Buzz Spaceship and Woody with RC. They came out with these too late for Corbyn's Toy Story obsession and I was always so sad we missed getting them for him. I had my mom buy this set off eBay in like new condition because they aren't making them anymore. (This was definitely the Christmas of Little People for Logan!)

From my parents I got the Greg Olsen Nativity Set before December, so I could enjoy it all month long. And Rog got money for new running shoes.

It was so nice to spend our Christmas at home (and also a little sad to think this will be our last Christmas in our first home). We were all very spoiled and it was a very fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed being together for Christmas 😊 Yummy food and adorable family
