Sunday, May 15, 2016


The Sunday before Easter we had the Provo City Center Temple Dedication for church. Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids while Rog and I went to one of the sessions. While we were gone they dyed Easter eggs.

We made Nutter Butter Chicks for our FHE treat. I didn't buy anything for their eyes and beaks because I thought I had something at home that would work, but I didn't, so they were faceless chicks. Rog bit into the last one before I took a picture which was just as well, since they didn't have faces anyway.

My mom and I took the kids to have their picture taken with chicks in their Easter outfits at CheapShots Photography.

The best part was when they put a chick on Logan's leg.

Peyton had a little Easter egg hunt at preschool and made this cute bunny craft.

Corbyn dressed as Humpty Dumpty and recited the nursery rhyme for his class.

He also designed a container to hold a hard-boiled egg and then Mr. Pitcher, the principal, threw them off the roof.

He was so sad that his egg was broken when we opened it up. I actually think it would have survived, but it landed on the drain instead of the grass.

Friday night Grandma and Grandpa joined us to dye some more Easter eggs. 

I was pretty proud of how this egg turned out. I just drew a bunch of circles with a white crayon and then left it in the orange for awhile. 

Saturday morning we went to a neighborhood Easter egg hunt. The parents brought 12 eggs per kid and then each kid was supposed to leave with 12 eggs. Logan was a slow hunter and somehow the eggs ran out before he got his 12, but he didn't know or care.

It was a lot less crowded and crazy than the Spanish Fork hunt and it was fun to do it with friends.

I had already packed up most of the snow stuff since it had started to warm up and we were trying to get our house ready to sell. Of course there was a little bit of snow on the ground that morning and I couldn't find any gloves for Logan. His hands got really cold picking up the few eggs he got and he was not happy!

I made Strawberry Cream Cheese Sweet Rolls for our Easter breakfast.

The Easter bunny left baskets for everyone this year - even for me and Rog. Rog got a Oregon Stately Type shirt and a Tramp Itty Bitty. I got a Utah Stately Type shirt and a Lady Itty Bitty. Corbyn got The BFGGo Fish, a Lego Mixels set, and a Yoda Itty Bitty. Peyton got EmeraldaliciousDisney Junior Guess Who, a Lego Friend set, and an Ariel Itty Bitty.  

And finally Logan got the Lady and the Tramp Little People set, Barnyard Bath, and a Mike Wazowski Itty Bitty. 

We all went to Sacrament Meeting, but Rog came home with Peyton (and Logan) for the rest of church because Peyton was feeling sick. (Good thing they did because Peyton threw up once, but then was fine the rest of the day.) I taught the Easter lesson to my Primary class.

We had Easter dinner with my parents, Jared, Cailey, Taylor, Martha, and Mae. I made a Peach Jello Salad (a layer of peach Jello with peaches in it, then a layer of Peach Mousse, and finally a layer of Cool Whip on top), Cornmeal Crescent Rolls, and Carrot Cake (with this Cream Cheese Frosting).

Before dessert we were talking about having cake in heaven and Taylor said he didn't think carrot cake belonged in heaven, but then after he had a slice of the carrot cake I made, he changed his mind.

We had one final egg hunt and then declared Easter celebrated! (Logan enjoyed the indoor egg hunt a lot more than the outdoor one, but was done after finding an egg or two.)

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