Friday, September 2, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Toy Room

A few people were asking when I was going to be posting pictures of our new house here on the blog. I was planning on doing a house tour when we get it all finished, but since that could be awhile I came up with the idea to post one room at a time as I finish them instead. Other than our living room (waiting for Rog's Uncle Ron to help us build shelves on each side of our fireplace), Peyton's room (basically started from scratch to do a very girly room), and the craft room, most rooms are very close to being done and a few are completely done. I figure if I commit to post one room each Friday, that will give me great motivation to focus on one room at a time and finish up those few nagging things that are preventing each room from being 100% done.

First up, the toy room!

One of the things I wanted in our new house was an area completely devoted to toys. This small room under the stairs fits that requirement perfectly. It is right off our living room, so it's close to where we spend most of our time. It doesn't have all the toys in it. (Both kid rooms upstairs still have a lot of toys in them.) What it has are the general toys that are not really gender specific and the games/puzzles/dress ups (except the princess ones). 

It's perfect because when the kids are saying they're bored and I'm trying to make dinner, I can pull out a bin and say here, play with the Play-doh or here, do a puzzle. It's not big enough for them to really play in it, but it is a great storage area for the toys and it's a fun, cozy place for them to watch shows on the iPad and will be a perfect nook for reading as they get older. (I took pictures with the light off because the light is obnoxiously bright in pictures.)

It was the first room finished because basically everything I used came from Corbyn and Peyton's shared zoo room. We drilled a hole in the back of each of these chalkboard animal prints (since I used the color bar ledges in other rooms) and hung them.

We did the same thing with this Welcome to the Zoo sign. And I put a few of our favorite zoo animal stuffed animals on the top of the cube organizer for decorative purposes.

The cube organizer that was in the zoo room is in Peyton's room upstairs, but I bought another one for this room because it fits perfectly on this wall and it works so well for toy storage. 

I put the games, puzzles, Play-doh, and anything that I don't want Logan getting into up high... 

And the more toddler-friendly toys down low.

Anywhere else these huge pillow pets would drive me crazy, but they're perfect here!

I love that I got to use the zoo decorations again and I'm so happy with how this room turned out! 


  1. LOVE IT! You are such an awesome decorator! Good idea to post a blog on a different room each Friday :)

  2. Wow, a toy room! Such a great idea1 Does PJ's room not get any ponies??
