Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Peyton's Birthday: Family Party

Rapunzel is currently Peyton's favorite princess, so we had Rapunzel birthday parties this year.

We had her family party right after Jared's Commencement Thursday night, so my parents could be there for it.

Pinterest has so many fun ideas for a Rapunzel party from when Tangled first came out. I didn't have time for most of them (darn moving!), but I was happy with what I was able to pull together.

I made a couple quick signs.

I also printed off a Flynn Rider Wanted sign from here.

And a Snuggly Duckling sign from here.

Finally I printed off the picture from when Peyton (and Corbyn) met Rapunzel (and Flynn Rider) at Disneyland and used some of Peyton's Rapunzel toys for decorations.

I made frying pan plates by hot gluing black plastic knives to black paper plates and served most of the food in frying pans. 

For food we had:

Flynn and Rapunzel's Jello Boats (just about every Rapunzel party on Pinterest has some version of this)

Pascal's Purple Fruit Salad (our favorite mixed berry "salad" that's really a dessert)

Maximus' Apples and Dip (and grapes)

Ruffians and Thugs' Cheesy Roasted Red Pepper Dip with tortilla chips and vegetables

Braided Bread (Mel's French Bread Rolls braided) and Lemonberry Butter

Paintbrush Rice Krispy Treats (idea from here and here)

My favorite part of the party was the cake. There are many versions of this cake on Pinterest. I made my own version after looking at a bunch of them. The flowers are Wilton and the candles are from Walmart. 

We had a lot of food leftover and because we were going out of town the next morning we had to give most of it away since it wouldn't be good by the time we got back. (Tragedy!)

1 comment:

  1. I simply admire your idea of organizing such a blasting birthday party for your little man. A month ago my son also celebrated his 11th birthday. We truly had a fun time at the party. We had reserved one of the best party Chicago venues for this special celebration!
