Monday, September 12, 2016

Peyton's Birthday

Peyton's birthday started out like any good birthday should - opening presents!

She got a Rapunzel teddy (want).

A booster seat (need), a helmet (wear), and a set of Doc McStuffins Reading Apps (read).

The other day she told us, "The different sounds in a word are called syllables." Lol, so I guess she's learning something from playing the apps. 

We had heart-shaped donuts for breakfast and then sent her off to preschool.

They had accidentally celebrated her birthday at preschool back in February, but they celebrated it again on her actual birthday. She got a crown and a few small toys/candies. I made her mac & cheese for lunch and she got to watch unlimited shows that afternoon.

Corbyn had a soccer game that night. It was a chilly one, but Corbyn (when it wasn't his turn to be playing) and Peyton bundled up in this big quilt to stay warm. 

They were being rather silly and had a lot of fun with it.

I don't remember what we had for dinner, but I do know we had a Sugar Cookie Bar cake.

We didn't do anything too big or exciting, but she didn't seem to mind. And just like that, she became our big 4 year old!

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