Friday, September 9, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Half Bath

For this week's Finished Room Friday, here is our half bath on the main level of our house. It's a pretty average half bathroom, but it seems huge to us after the itsy bitsy one we had in our townhouse. 

I used the decorations from the half bath in our townhouse.

I switched out the light blue rug and toilet seat cover for brown ones because the light blue got dirty way too easily. (They are the same color brown in real life - they just came out looking different in these pictures.)

The soap dispenser is also new because I broke the blue one we had before sometime along the way.

Our half bath in our townhouse didn't have any cupboards. It's a simple thing, but I really appreciate having one now because it turns out it is really inconvenient not to have a place to put some hand towels and extra rolls of toilet paper.

The only other difference is I did not paint the blue, tan, and brown stripes because I didn't want to still be working on this room in a year and a half!

Logan woke up from his nap while I was cleaning and taking pictures today, so he helped me finish up - without his shorts on. (He is wearing a diaper.) Keeping it real, friends!

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