Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Selling our Townhouse

We were very lucky that when we wanted to sell our townhouse, the townhouses in our community were selling quickly and for more than we paid 6 years ago. We put a lot of work into getting it ready and in hindsight I'm not sure we needed to, but we wanted to feel good about what we were selling. A few months before we were going to list it, we split a storage unit with the Howard family since they were also getting their townhouse ready to sell at the same time. We filled it full of "extra" stuff - like the Love Sac, coffee table, play kitchen, and anything else we wouldn't be needing in the next couple of months. We took a lot of the decorations and pictures off the walls and did some touch-up painting. 

We had our friend, Jeramie Stephenson, from our ward be our realtor. He has his own company, Flat Rate Homes, that specializes in selling homes with kind of a different business model than a traditional realtor. You pay a very minimal flat rate fee to have him list your home on all the major websites and then pay a small fee at closing. He was great to work with and we were happy we went with him. 

We took our own pictures as we finished getting rooms "for sale" ready. For memory sake, here are the pictures we ended up using plus a few we took, but didn't use. It's weird looking at these now that we haven't lived there for a few months.

Downstairs View from Garage (Kitchen Island, Dining Room, Living Room)


Living Room

Upstairs Landing

Corbyn and Peyton's Room

Logan's Room

Laundry Room

Upstairs Bathroom

Master Bedroom

Office/Craft Nook

Master Bathroom

Master Closet


Front Door


Same Park with Mountain View

Basketball Court

We officially listed it "for sale" the night before we left for Oregon to look at houses. The very first couple that looked at it Friday morning put an offer on it (for more than our list price). They had put an offer on the Howard's townhome the week before, but didn't get it and were in the process of making an offer on another townhome (the Neeve's) when ours came up for sale, but decided to go with ours instead. (We would feel bad, but the Neeve's sold within days too.) Since it sold while we were gone, we never had to worry about keeping our house clean for showings which was awesome! 

We were told the couple that bought it was an "older couple" just getting married. We thought that meant they were in their 40s or 50s, but my parents saw them when they came to do a final walkthrough while we were in Hawaii and they said they looked just a few years older than us which is "older," but only by Utah standards! They let us live there for a week and a half after we officially closed and pay them rent for those days. 

After we moved we ended up texting them a few times about packages that got sent there by accident, an issue with returning our Spanish Fork Cable router, and to find the right mint green we had on our living room walls. They were very helpful and seem like a great couple. It makes us happy to think that a new little family is getting their start in our townhome where we made so many memories!


  1. That was a great little house! We were so blessed to live there.


  2. Seriously...."Lovesack" and "Older People".......you win! <3

    Raj, did you finally get the calling of coveted "Greeter"? :)


  3. I was thinking, not that I expect an answer, but you all would know better than anyone else.......is "Ziva" dead or alive? I know she and Tony have a darling baby, but is it like Scrodengers Cat? only if you open the box do you know the truth?
