Friday, October 7, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Master Bath

After decorating the upstairs bath with everything from our master bath in our townhouse, I didn't know how to decorate this master bath. I decided to do it in the same gray and yellow color scheme as our master bedroom. I had to completely start from scratch and spent a good couple hours in the bathroom section of Target picking everything out.

While I was decorating for June, I came across this lemonade sign. I decided to make it a permanent decoration in our bathroom and do a lemon theme.   

We hung it above our toilet. (It was hard to get a good picture because the toilet is in its own little room.)

I bought some fake lemons from Target and put them in a pitcher. I thought this was pretty clever because of the whole turn lemons into lemonade thing, but Rog wasn't too impressed. 

We put privacy tint on this window, so we wouldn't have to constantly be climbing into the tub to open and shut curtains or blinds. I did put up curtains too because I thought it would look funny if we had curtains on one of the windows, but not the other.

Rog and I are not bath takers, so I doubt we'll ever use this tub. Ironically there's a light over the tub, but not the shower. We also will probably never use those towels.

I love that our shower is not in our tub - makes me feel grown up. (Although squeegying it down every time I take a shower is not my favorite thing.)

We had our towels (that we actually use) hanging on an over-the-door hook, but we could tell it was already hurting our door, so I had Rog put up a permanent hook that I found while looking for something else in the craft room. It was on my list to buy the next time I was at the store and I found it just in time!

I bought a $2 clock from IKEA and decided to "hack" it. I carefully took it apart, replaced the white background with yellow scrapbook paper, cut out vinyl numbers with my Silhouette, and then put it back together. I was a little amazed and very excited that it actually still worked when I got it back together!

I also ordered a lemon to paint from The Wood Connection and made my own lemonade sign (inspired by this printable).

I originally bought an oil rubbed bronze soap dispenser and cup to go with the faucets, but the soap dispenser broke, so I decided to buy yellow ones (like the ones I got for the upstairs bath). Rog thought they were ridiculously expensive and I'll probably never hear the end of it.

And that's our lemon bathroom!


  1. I think your bathroom is beautiful and sorry your husband is so lame. He sounds really annoying.


  2. I know I am the worst mom ever, but I don't understand the theory of "Cry It Out".........when a baby cries, it means it needs something...a diaper change, a feeding, or maybe just some comfort.....maybe my mom let me cto.....maybe that's why I am today


  3. I am so sorry for my last comment. I have no right to sound like I am judging you. "Please forgive me, I know not what I do."

