Friday, November 4, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Laundry Room

A laundry room is not a room you need to decorate. I never decorated the laundry room in our townhouse. But this laundry room is such a vast improvement over that one, that I actually wanted to decorate it. 

For starters, this laundry room actually has a cover around the washer and dryer hookups. That may seem like a small thing, but it makes a world of difference in how finished the room looks and feels.

Also, the cupboards and the window. Now this is a big kid laundry room!

One day I happened to come across these free laundry prints on Pinterest and I knew immediately they would be perfect! Wash... Dry...

Fold... Repeat... (Story of any mom's life. So. Much. Laundry.)

Peyton and I made this Lost Sock board mostly to add a little pop of color to the room. I copied one Diana has in her laundry room. Right now we miraculously only have one lost sock, but I'm sure that won't always be the case.

I kind of forget this sink is even in here. I suppose it could come in handy, but I honestly haven't used it more than a time or two.

We decided we didn't really need curtains or blinds in here since we only use this room during the day. Instead I decided to put up a simple valance

I added a rug (one more spot of color) and it was done!

1 comment:

  1. Good job! We use the sink in our laundry room all the time. One of my favorite features so I'm sure you'll get around to using it more.
