Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I finally finished binding this quilt Grandma Dixie made for Peyton. She was a little excited.

Rog took Peyton for her 4 year appointment and her Kindergarten shots. He got her an ice cream cone on the way home. (Lucky girl!)

We went to a dinner for the MHA graduates where Rog got his stole.

Peyton was so excited to sit in the back seat of the car with Corbyn in her new booster seat.

Grandma Dixie came for a visit and took Peyton to pick a few toys for her birthday. Somehow I never got a picture of them. (She got Rapunzel's Styling Tower and Lego Juniors Cinderella's Carriage.) But I did get a picture of Corbyn and Logan with the toys they got. (Lucky Boys!) A Lego Ninjago set for Corbyn.

And a basketball hoop for the bath for Logan.

We had a farewell BBQ with the bishopric.

And got together with the Goodrich family, the Howard family, and the Wood family one last time before we all moved onto our next adventures.

The guys went golfing and then the moms and kids met them at the Godrich's house for dinner. They have an amazing backyard with a dandelion field for picking...  

A zip line... 

And a fire pit for roasting s'mores...

Logan would not be left out of the s'mores fun.

These ladies are seriously the best. Leaving them was the hardest part of moving. Good thing we have Instagram and blogs to keep in touch.

These guys were great friends for Rog too.

And of course so many cute little friendships among this group of kids. 14 kids between the 4 families!

The next morning was Rog's graduation. This is Scott Parker, former president of Intermountain Healthcare and one of Rog's favorite professors.

Grandma Dixie, Kenzie, Jaxon, and Mason were the only family able to make it for graduation. Corbyn and Peyton had a lot of fun with Jaxon. We were sure grateful for technology to keep them entertained during the actual graduation.

So proud of my grad - red stole and all!

We had lunch at Kneaders and then hurried home, so Corbyn could go to Kindergarten that afternoon. He had a Mother's Day picnic that he (and I) didn't want to miss. He was so excited to show me this book he made me.

That night we had a little dinner to celebrate the grad.

We had hot dogs, Southwest Pasta Salad, grapes, and Lemon Ice for a "drink." 

And we had Apple Streusel Cheesecake Bars for dessert. Corbyn polished off his bar and then moved right onto the one Peyton had rejected.

The next morning was the Provo City Half Marathon and Kids Marathon. My goal was to finish under 1:45, so I found that pacer and stuck to her like glue. She ran the first 10 miles below an 8:00 pace, so we could slow down the last 3 miles. But by the time we got to the last 3 miles I found I was in the rhythm running at that pace and couldn't slow down. I was thrilled to finish in 1:43:22 and was so happy to see these cuties cheering me on at the end. 

We tried to get Logan to wear my sweatshirt because we didn't have his and it was a rather chilly morning, but he wouldn't keep it on.

Corbyn was not feeling well that morning (he threw up on the way to the race and then again after running), but still wanted to finish his marathon. He had run 25 miles with his class, so he had 1.2 miles to do that morning. We ran with his friend, Austin, and his dad, Toren. Their family moved into our ward at the start of the school year and we had become pretty close friends with them. They had lived in SE Portland, so they were a huge help in deciding where we should move and they are just a really great family. Toren became the new bishop of the Willows Ward after we moved.

It was so fun to do this race with Corbyn and we were very proud of his accomplishment.

Corbyn was feeling better by that afternoon, so we went with the Phillips to the Kangaroo Zoo where they have a ton of bounce houses and inflatable slides.

They also have this fun room where you can shoot balls at each other.

Even Grandma Dixie got in on the fun!

After the Kangaroo Zoo we went to dinner at Applebees, but unfortunately we ended up leaving early because Logan threw up right as our food got there.

The next day we got to have Mother's Day dinner with the Phillips before they headed home.

We gave Grandma Dixie this cute heart whisk with a printable from Our Best Bites and sent her home with one for Grandma Lori. 

Logan was not cooperating for a Mother's Day picture.

My Mother's Day loot.

Our good friend, Zack, had cancer a few years ago and learned soon after Emily gave birth to their twin girls that it was back. He had to do chemo and I was feeling bad I didn't live closer, so I could somehow help out. I decided to make a "Box of Sunshine" for them. If it weren't for the sad reason I was putting it together, I'd say it was really fun.  

Fortunately the chemo did its job and Zack is doing much better.

While I was at it, I sent a little gift for their twins.

Rog spent a lot of time working on his car fixing/replacing the CV axle. 

Rog took Peyton on a date to climb at the Quarry before he canceled his membership.

He also took Corbyn on a date to Nickel Mania.

And then to get an ice cream cone at Burger King.

We watched Mae for a couple days to pay Tay and Martha back for watching Corbyn and Peyton for us when we went house hunting. At the same time we watched Rocky while McKae went to the temple. Rog took the older 4 to the park while Logan took a nap and I made dinner.

He also took them to Costco although McKae had finished up at the temple and joined him by that point. 

I think Peyton enjoyed having a "little sister" for a couple days. They both loved it when I did their hair the same way and painted their nails for church.  

Peyton learned to ride her bike.

She also learned to do the monkey bars. At this point, Corbyn couldn't even do them. (He can now.)

After we sold our townhouse, we brought all the stuff from the storage unit back and emptied the attic to start packing. The kids enjoyed playing with the toys that had been up in the attic.

And they cracked us up by riding their tricycles around the neighborhood.

Peyton had her last day of Preschool at Rees Elementary. She didn't have any sort of a program or graduation because she still had another year before Kindergarten.

Corbyn had a Kindergarten graduation program. He was an elephant and did a cute dance.

He had a slight wardrobe malfunction and was totally cracking us up with his ears!

Getting his diploma from Mr. Pitcher, the Principal.

With his diploma.

Mrs. Chidester was a great teacher for him.

My parents came into town to watch our kids while we went to Hawaii for Rog's graduation. They of course took great care of them. It seemed like every time we did FaceTime with them they were eating ice cream (and Logan was attacking Corbyn), so I'm pretty sure they never wanted us to come home! We loved all the pictures they sent us while we were gone. (These are just a few of my favorites from the ones they sent.)

I think they wore them out! 

We got home just in time for Memorial Day. We started our day at the Ririe pancake breakfast up Millcreek Canyon...

Visited my Grandma and Grandpa Ford's graves...

Ate at Waffle Love...

Visited my Grandma Joan's grave...

And finished the day with an impromptu swim party with our neighbors.

Then it was really time to get serious about packing our house. I was trying to use up all the food which resulted in a few interesting meals. I often mix different types of noodles, but not usually lasagna noodles (broken up) or large shells.

And that, in a nutshell, was our May. (I'll post about Hawaii separately.)


  1. Just reading all of this makes me tired. That was a busy time for us. Glad it's over.

  2. Whoo! It was a busy time for you! Glad you made it to see us though with all the craziness going on. But your kids probably got the stomach bug from us and for that, I'm so sorry!
