Friday, January 6, 2017

Finished Room Friday: Master Bedroom

I took these pictures and had them ready to post the week after Thanksgiving, but I had LASIK that week and when I went to type up this post my vision was blurry (that happens when they get too dry which happened to me a lot at first while my eyes were healing), so I couldn't get the job done. After that I went into Christmas mode and when I'm in Christmas mode not a whole lot else gets done. But now I'm back with a few more rooms to post before I'm done.

I redecorated our master bedroom not too long before we moved, so other than a few projects (that I took forever to get around to), this room was done soon after we moved in.

I originally started this quilt to serve as another layer in the winter and I purposely used a few different shades of yellow and gray to tie everything in the room together. Before I finished the quilt I ended up buying the softest blanket in the world at Costco that we sleep with (under our gray quilt) in the winter, so this quilt is more decorative than actually useful, but I'm still glad I made it. When I finally finished it this October (only took me a little over a year, lol), I took a bunch of pictures of it since I was so happy to have finally finished it! I basically doubled this quilt (with a few exceptions) and it ended up being somewhere between a queen and a king. It basically covers the top of our mattress.

I have it folded in half at the bottom of our bed most of the time.

You can see the quilting pretty well in these pictures. It is perfect! It was beautifully quilted by my mother-in-law who owns a quilting company and quilts for a living.

I did a horizontal stripe on the backing to match the front since I had the right amount of this fabric and I didn't want to have a ton leftover.

I added this shelf to our master bedroom when I redecorated in Utah, but I don't think I ever blogged about it. It's the same shelf that is in our Half Bathroom, only longer. I sent Rog to buy it for me at the Wood Connection's furniture store and he found out they were discontinuing these shelves. They had exactly one left and they had painted it green, so it cost more because they had finished it. I had to have it, so he bought it and I spent hours sanding and repainting it. All the work was well worth it - I love this shelf!

This is my nightstand. The picture of Christ holding a baby was in Logan's nursery. When we moved I replaced it with a picture of a bigger kid for his room and decided to put this one in our room.

And this is Rog's nightstand. The picture of me is one of my bridals. I feel a little conceited having pictures of just me in our room, but they match the color scheme so well!

I had some long, gray curtains from IKEA that I bought when I redecorated in Utah, but I never got around to hemming and hanging them before we moved. They barely reached across this huge window and I tried to buy another pair to cover the window better, but I discovered IKEA doesn't sell them anymore. So I had to buy different ones and luckily I realized if I bought shorter curtains, I wouldn't have to hem them! I ended up getting the same curtains we have in our master bathroom. As a bonus, they are blackout curtains, so they do a much better job keeping our room dark in the morning.

I decided to put the rocking chair in our room since it didn't fit in the boys' room. I bought a new cushion for it to match our room, but it needed to be repainted in a serious way after our move. It was on my list of things to do, but I was overwhelmed by the project. Rog surprised me by doing it while we were at Disneyland and I couldn't have been happier to not have to do it!

All the heart eyes for this whole room, but especially this wall. 😍 😍 😍

I moved things around (from where I had them in Utah) and this collage ended up being quite different. 

We had a smaller I love you because... frame in our bathroom. I had to print out a new paper since it wasn't the right colors anymore. And I decided to make it bigger while I was at it.

We had this (embarrassingly huge) picture of me from my bridals stored away in a closet in Utah. When we moved I realized it matched this room quite well, so we hung it up.

And that's our master bedroom! I love, love, love how it turned out! 💛 ⛅ 💛 

1 comment:

  1. Your room is just so beautiful, I love all the personal touches...and it is so big!

    Please tell me it doesn't look this perfect every second of the day!
