Monday, February 20, 2017

23 Months

Logan at 23 months:

*Wants to read ALL THE BOOKS before his nap and at bedtime.
*Is obsessed with hot chocolate. He has it at least once a day if not more!
*Splashes in the bath and makes a huge water mess.
*Says ow anytime he's hurt or if he doesn't want to be touched or picked up.
*Folds his arms and bows his head for prayers, but only for a minute or so. When he decides he's done, he'll say amen and start eating or playing again.
*Sticks his hand down his diaper when he has a messy diaper.
*Says dadasaur for dinosaur.
*Can point out his hair, head, eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, ears, bee bo, tummy, and bum.
*Is terrible at the grocery store. The last couple times we've gone too close to nap time (which definitely doesn't help) and I've ended up giving him my phone and letting him watch a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that I have downloaded. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes it's the only way our grocery shopping is going to get done. (Don't tell me I should do Grocery Pickup. I like to shop at Winco and they don't do Grocery Pickup there. I could do it at Walmart, but our Walmart has a very small grocery section and I wouldn't be able to get everything I need.)
*Loves pointing out his favorite Disney characters anywhere he sees them.

He frequently sleeps with his arms behind his head and I think it is just about the cutest thing ever.

Pointing to the fish at the Chinese Garden in Portland.

He wasn't a fan at first, but he loves jumping on the tramp Santa brought us for Christmas now. He says jump, jump, jump the whole time he's jumping.

Peyton will occasionally take pictures with my phone. Most of them are not the best, but sometimes I find a few cute ones of Logan.

He found all of his friends when we stopped in the Disney section of JCPenney on our way out of the mall. "I'll take one of each, mom!"

Laundry day best buds.

One day we got home from the store and he must have been really hungry because he found a bowl of cereal in the sink from breakfast and started eating it.

Peyton's little shadow.

Can you tell he has a big sister? He's always wanting to put on Peyton's necklaces and loves playing with her baby.

Licking his plate. He got this habit from me.

But not the ketchup part. I definitely don't lick my plate when I have ketchup on it!

The kids are doing a marathon, so twice a week we go to the park and run a mile. I usually push Logan on the swings while they run or push him in our running stroller and run with the kids. But last time we went, he wanted to run with the kids.

Our neighbor watched Logan and Peyton for me, so I could go to a Date with Mom activity they were doing in Corbyn's class. She sent me this picture and said he did this for at least a half hour.

I can't believe this little guy will be TWO in only 1 month! Time to start planning the party! Spoiler alert: if you had any doubt, it's going to be a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme.