Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Farewell Utah

After we got home from our cruise and celebrated Memorial Day, we had to pack like crazy people to get done in time for moving day. I preferred it that way because it was easier to just pack everything instead of trying to figure out what we needed to keep out. We had to do a little of that, but not nearly as much as we would have if we had packed earlier.

I made it out for a run on Global Running Day (June 1st).

Grandma Dixie was in Utah watching Mae while Taylor and Martha were out of town. She brought her down to Spanish Fork one day, so she could play with her cousins. They ended up painting and Mae turned herself into a smurf.

Peyton had her dance pictures. She was an absent-minded mouse. Since the studio does this show (Alice in Topsy Turvey Land) every few years, they own all the costumes and we were just renting it. She ended up with a costume that was too big for her, but she was adorable nonetheless.

I signed Corbyn up for a sport's camp through Spanish Fork. I had to get special permission for him to do it since he was not technically 6 yet and it was supposed to be for ages 6-12. He would have been 6 in time for the second session, but he had to do the first session since we were moving. It was 4 days a week for 2 weeks. He went for 2 hours in the morning and each day they learned a new sport - the normal sports (baseball, soccer, football, basketball, track, etc), but also some less common sports including at least one sport that I hadn't heard of before (and of course I can't think of the name of it now). He had fun doing it and it gave him something to look forward to each day since Rhys had moved and he couldn't play with him anymore.

I had spent a lot of time working on this Nativity puzzle early in the year, but didn't finish it before we moved (and still haven't finished it, but it's on the list of things to finish this year!). Rog didn't think we could move it, but I found a way! 

We loaded the moving truck the morning of June 4th. We had missed National Donut Day on June 3rd, but celebrated a day late with donuts for everyone who came to help us. We had a good number from our ward show up to help (plus my parents and Taylor) and many hands made for light work. Rog worried we wouldn't be able to fit everything in the moving truck, but we actually ended up with room to spare.

That afternoon we had a family party for Corbyn's birthday. (Post coming soon.) 

Our last day of church in the Willows Ward was June 5th. It was Fast and Testimony meeting and it was Rog's turn to conduct and bear his testimony. I also bore my testimony and many ward members mentioned us in their testimonies. We didn't mean to turn it into a farewell Phillips meeting, and we were a little embarrassed that it ended up that way, but it was nice to have a chance to say goodbye to the ward.

After church Rog and my dad started the drive up to Oregon with the moving truck and Rog's car. They were planning on towing Rog's car behind the moving truck, but decided at the last minute to have one of them drive the truck and the other drive the car since they had heard bad things about towing a car behind a moving truck.

They spent Sunday night in Boise and then finished the drive on Monday. A good number showed up from the Sunnyside Ward to help them unload. Portland was having a freak early heat wave and it had been in the 90s and had hit 100 the week before they got there. (Very unusual for that early in the summer.) Our house didn't have an air conditioner (yet), so they spent a couple uncomfortable days there putting furniture together and doing what they could to get the house ready for us.

My mom stayed with me and helped me clean our townhouse and take care of the kids while Rog and my dad were in Oregon. We were left with practically nothing since we could only keep what would fit in the minivan. The only piece of furniture we had was our entertainment center. We were selling it since we didn't have a place for it in our new living room. We stressed and stressed because it wasn't selling, but lucked out that someone bought it the night before we moved. We watched movies on my laptop sitting on a couple camp chairs we had left out. 

Logan was not a fan of sitting in this turtle booster seat without a chair. 

Corbyn slept in his and Peyton's room on an air mattress. Logan slept in his room in a pack n' play. And the 3 girls slept in the master bedroom on air mattresses. Peyton and I shared an air mattress since I figured she'd end up with me anyway. It's hard to tell, but in this picture she's actually on the floor in between the two air mattresses with her head on the air mattress. 

She had a few practices and a dress rehearsal for her recital.

I took Corbyn and Peyton to see Zootopia in the Spanish Fork theater to use up some passes we had. We've decided that sometimes Disney does a terrible job with their trailers because based on the trailers we thought it was going to be so dumb, but we ended up loving it! (Same thing happened with Frozen. We didn't even see it while it was in the theater because the trailers were so dumb.) I ended up buying it at Costco right after seeing it, so the kids could watch it on the drive up to Oregon.

I fit in a couple last runs on my beloved Spanish Fork River Trail.

Wednesday (June 8th) was crazy and the details are fuzzy now, but this is how I remember it going down. After we picked up Corbyn from his sport camp my mom took Corbyn and Peyton to Seven Peaks for one last hurrah there. I can't remember what I did with Logan while they were there (maybe errands?), but I do remember picking them up and stopping at the Disney Store really quickly (for their Half Yearly Sale) before we drove up to Salt Lake to pick up my dad and Rog at the airport. Jared and Cailey wanted to make us a farewell dinner, so we planned to stop there and eat and then head down to Spanish Fork for Peyton's recital. They were running a little late and we didn't think we'd all fit in their tiny apartment, so we went to the duck pond at BYU to wait for them. We thought they could bring dinner there when it was ready and we could have a little picnic.

It turned out that they were running more late than we thought and we needed to get back, so I could do Peyton's hair and makeup. We stopped by the BYU Creamery and bought a half gallon of Graham Canyon ice cream to eat after the recital. I did Peyton's hair and makeup while we waited for Jared and Cailey. We ate quickly and then went over to American Leadership Academy for the recital.

I was adamant that we not move before this recital. Rog could not understand why it was so important to me and he really wanted to get up to Oregon to get us as settled as possible before he started work on June 13th. He gave me more crap about it than anything else in our whole 9 years of marriage, but it was worth it. Cuteness overload! (She's second from the left.)

While they were waiting for their turn to dance, they made bracelets (she's wearing the one she made in this picture) and did other fun activities.

I'm grateful to Peyton's teacher for helping her have such a great experience for her first year of dance.

Thursday (June 9th), we got up early, said goodbye to our first house (the house we brought all our babies home to), and hit the road.

Rog was a trooper and drove the whole way (other than one measly hour that I drove).

We did the drive in one day (with many stops for the little people), since we were anxious to get to our new house.

Logan was a trooper and didn't give us any trouble (that I can remember now anyway).

Then we started the fun job of unpacking and making our new house our home.


  1. Sweet memories of those days being together in your townhome for the last time 😃

  2. Sweet memories...? That was a nightmare of a time. Glad that's over. And I still can't believe we waited to move for the recital :)
