Friday, March 10, 2017

Corbyn's Birthday

Corbyn's actual birthday was just a week after we arrived in Oregon. We were still getting unpacked and settled, but I managed to make it a special day for our Corbyn.

He requested donuts for breakfast, so I made Baked Cinnamon Sugar Donuts.

Presents were first on the agenda. He got the Mega Man Legacy Collection for Nintendo 3DS (want)...

A blue/gray comforter (need), a hooded shark towel (wear), and the final BOB books to complete our collection (read).

He wanted to go swimming, so we found an indoor pool that had open swim in the afternoon. Rog couldn't leave work to come with us (orientation week), so I had my hands full. It was a bit tricky holding Logan while catching Corbyn and Peyton when they came down the big slide, but no one drowned, so I'm calling it a success. 

We had planned to go to Red Robin for dinner, but the wait was too long, so we went to Chick-fil-A instead.

And then we went to see Finding Dory. Rog ended up walking the halls with Logan, but the rest of us enjoyed it. Luckily the manager saw him out there missing the whole movie and gave him 2 passes to come back to see another movie.

I let him pick whatever ice cream he wanted at the store for his birthday treat. He picked a strawberry cheesecake one and unfortunately it was not very good, but I think he had a pretty good birthday nonetheless.

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