Friday, March 10, 2017

Finished Room Friday: Late Additions

I'm still working on the craft room and Rog is still working on the cabinets for the living room, but I wanted to quickly share some late additions to a few rooms I had previously declared finished.

I added this Sunshine in a Box from the Wood Connection to our Master Bedroom

I also added this pillow to the rocking chair. When I first saw it at Target, I thought it would be perfect for this room, but didn't buy it because I like how I have the pillows on our bed. But then later that day I realized I could use a pillow for the rocking chair and I didn't waste any time going back to get it!

I wanted two matching lamps for our Guest Bedroom, but couldn't find any I liked (that didn't cost a fortune) before I posted about that room. Then I found these at Walmart for pretty cheap. The base was off-white, but I decided to paint it blue to add a little more color to this room. I was worried Logan wouldn't be able to leave them alone, but they've been there a week and he hasn't paid too much attention to them.

Finally we ordered roller shades from Lowe's for the windows that we hadn't covered yet. While we were at it, I added valances to those windows. 


We love all the windows in our house for the natural light, but they do let in the cold. These roller shades have been great. They're easy to open/close (although that stairway one is a bit of a reach) and they do seem to keep some of the cold out at night.

And now I'm again declaring these rooms finished (until I find something else to add to them). A room is really never truly finished! Am I right, or am I right?!

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