Thursday, May 4, 2017


I got a new computer a few months ago and have been slowly transferring everything over. So right now it's easier for me to blog about things we've been doing since I got the new computer. I will go back and update on last summer, fall, and winter, but right now I'm feeling good about posting more current things and not getting even more behind!

My birthday was on a Sunday this year (a Fast Sunday 😭), so we started celebrating on Saturday. I started the day running 7 miles.

And then we had Waffle Love style waffles for breakfast (with Lemon Curd). I made the dough for the waffles and the lemon curd before my run and then Rog cooked the waffles, so they were pretty much ready when I got home.

We went to dinner at Red Robin.

And then our friends, Krislyn and Kevan watched our kids, so we could go see La La Land (so good!).

We drove through the Krispy Kreme drive-thru to get my free birthday donut.

And then Rog let me open a surprise present. He had a Cougar Run medal made for me since last October I took first in my age group and they had gone cheap with no medals.

I had ordered my presents on Amazon on Wednesday thinking that would be plenty of time. Amazon Prime totally let me down and they didn't arrive until Monday. (How is that 2-day shipping?!) Rog got me a yoga mat (I've started doing yoga as part of my marathon training.) and wrapped up a couple Tsum Tsums (Mr. Toad and Br'er Bear) I bought myself, so I'd have something to open on my actual birthday.

I made Smothered Sweet Pork Burritos for dinner and Party Pinata Cupcakes for my birthday cake.

They were easy (easier than you'd think!) and the surprise in the middle was so fun. I used a mix of sprinkles and Nerds, but next time I'll stick to just sprinkles since the Nerds flavor was pretty overpowering.

We had some friends (the Yates family and Krislyn and Kevan) over for cupcakes and ice cream Sunday night. 

Rog and the kids had decorated while I was at tap on Thursday night. I may have tweaked the decorations a little. (It's my birthday and I'll be OCD if I want to.)

I got this light-up Happy Birthday banner at Target in the dollar ($3) section. It's battery operated, so you can put it wherever you want and it's so fun! After my birthday I got another one that says Celebrate.

Also, I've had that wood cupcake since before Corbyn was born. (It came with my HOME set as one of the interchangeable O's.) I finally decided to paint it and used my birthday as motivation to get it done!


On Monday night the boys put together a scavenger hunt for me to find my presents while I was with Peyton at her dance class. I got Moana (want), baking sheets (need), a rain jacket (wear), and What Alice Forgot (read). I actually picked up Moana on Tuesday at Costco because it wasn't released until March 7th. The rain jacket was a great deal ($24.67) when I ordered it, but now it's $51.00! Also, I already owned What Alice Forgot on the Kindle, but thought I should own a hard copy of my favorite book.

Rog was feeling bad because I ordered my presents and made my own dinner and cupcakes, but I didn't mind. That way I got just what I wanted and the food turned out just right. And his surprise present was perfect. It was a great birthday!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Happy Birthday! And I love that you're blogging more.

  2. My co-workers said that you look like you're 21 not 31.

  3. Happy late Birthday, young one!

    I love the surprise gift Roger gave you....perfect!

    Chris has given me several wonderful Aggie!
