Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Spring Break

Our Spring Break was the last week in March. We hadn't planned to go anywhere, so we just made it a staycation. We didn't have spectacular weather that week, but it wasn't terrible either. I realized it was a great opportunity to get in a lot of miles for the kids' marathon, so we went to the park almost every day.

I also put in some miles around the park since Corbyn and Peyton are such good helpers with Logan.

Rog still had to work, so we didn't do a ton of stuff, but I tried to plan at least one fun activity for each day. 

On Monday we went to Salt and Straw for FHE. They have their regular flavors and then they have some flavors that change every month. It was the last day for March's flavors and Rog and I had been wanting to try their Cinnamon Roll flavor. They also had a Lucky Charms flavor that the kids enjoyed.

Logan was cracking us up with his gangster pants. We didn't get an ice cream for him since we were planning on just sharing ours with him, but he didn't even seem to notice or care that we were all eating ice cream without him.

On Tuesday night I took Peyton to see Beauty and the Beast. She enjoyed it (and wasn't too scared during the scary parts), but decided she prefers the animated version better. I think Emma Watson is the perfect Beauty and love how it fills in most of the gaps from the animated version. (Rog didn't want to take Logan, so the boys watched Guardians of the Galaxy at home.)

On Wednesday we went swimming at the North Clackamas Aquatic Park. Peyton was loving having Corbyn home to play with and they had the best time swimming together.

And Logan went down this slide approximately 5,000 times!

We didn't do anything too exciting Thursday. After dinner I did a session at the temple and Rog took the kids to the park by the library. This bouncy thing is new to that park, so the kids had fun playing on it.

 My mom had sent us 2 free pieces of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, so I picked those up while I was over on the west side of Portland (where the temple and Cheesecake Factory are located). I don't make it over there too often and they were about to expire.

Friday was our only really beautiful day, so we took full advantage of it. Rog took a long lunch and drove downtown with us to have a picnic and see the cherry blossoms at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

Corbyn and Logan could not resist playing in these fountains. We'll have to go back in the summer when it's warmer, so they can really enjoy them!

This Old Town sign is a popular Portland landmark. I had only ever seen it from across the Willamette River, so I was excited to see it up close. 

Saturday morning I ran 9 miles in the rain. I usually pause my Garmin while I'm waiting at lights and I occasionally forget to start it again (and then realize I've forgotten at some point). This was one of those times. I know I ran 9 miles because I turned around when I hit 4.5 miles.

It was Conference Weekend, so I came home to find Rog and the kids had built a tent in our living/family room. (If you look closely, you can see Logan's little bum sticking up.)

We were a little sick of waffles since we had them for my birthday and Logan's birthday party, so we made Puffed French Toast (with Orange Dreamsicle Smoothies) instead of waffles Sunday morning.

Peyton kept saying how much she hates General Conference. (I think because church is one of the only times during the week she gets to see friends. It's like her preschool.) The rest of us were like, what's not to like? Church in pajamas, walks in between sessions, lego parties on the stairs...!

Peyton helped Rog paint some pieces of wood for a project he was working on. Dad and Peyton time!

I made these sugar cookies (my new favorite sugar cookie recipe), so I could frost them with this amazing Coconut-Lime Buttercream Frosting. I added some yellow food coloring and sprinkles on top because the white frosting with lime zest made the frosting look a lot like mashed potatoes.

It was a fun little staycation and conference was the icing on the cake!

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