Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Weekend in Utah

We took a quick trip to Utah for my cousin's wedding on April 7th.

That morning I got up and did a 10 mile run before we had to leave for the airport. We were having crazy 30 mph winds that made it a particularly challenging and memorable run. I saw fences, trees, and even a trampoline that had been blown over.

We grabbed some pizza before getting on the plane.

It was Logan's first flight in his own seat and he did great despite a very bumpy takeoff due to the crazy wind. He polished off his own mini pizza and watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on my phone (without sound because he wouldn't wear headphones).

He also did a pretty good job entertaining himself while I took a nap. (Rog was in the row right in front of us.)

When we got to Utah we got our suitcases and then walked over to the next terminal to see the Pughs who were flying back to Tennessee after being in Utah for a few weeks. It was sad our trips only overlapped by a couple hours, but fun to see them for a few minutes.

We went to Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner. (We didn't think about how we had planned to go there for dinner when we got pizza for lunch.) Their peach and apple dessert pizzas are my favorite and the main reason I like to go there, so you can imagine my disappointment when they didn't have either of those out that night. (We're going to have to call ahead and confirm that in the future!)

Then we got changed at my Grandma Ririe's house and headed over to Taylor's reception. Taylor and his brothers feel more like brothers to me than cousins, so even though he didn't have room for us in the sealing, I didn't want to miss his reception. He was so very grateful that we had come and made us feel like our trip was totally worth it. 

Saturday morning we had breakfast at Kneaders. Corbyn ate 3 pieces of French Toast (same as me and Rog)!

I had scheduled pictures with bunnies at Cheapshots since we were going to be there right before Easter. We've been doing them there every year since Peyton's first Easter! Logan couldn't have been more uncooperative...

They had me get in the picture with him to see if we could get him used to it and then have me sneak away. (Fortunately I had gotten ready for the day and wasn't totally clashing with their outfits).

That didn't work at all, so we finally gave up on Logan and just got some cute ones of the older two. 

We were still pretty full from breakfast, so we skipped lunch and met up with the Woods for ice cream at the BYU Creamery.

Graham Canyon Crunch! 😍😋😍

Then we walked around the Bean Museum with them. Logan wouldn't be in this picture either. 

The kids all loved the kid area and would have spent the whole time there if we had let them.

We left in time to make it to the Wood Connection before they closed. I had taken orders from some of my friends in Oregon, so I had a lot to buy. 

After the Wood Connection we went to a random park while we figured out what we were doing for dinner. We eventually ended up at Texas Roadhouse with my parents and some of Cailey's family who had come to Utah for Madison's baby blessing the next day.

Rog's parents were also in town helping with McKae's sprinklers, so we had dessert with them at Taylor's house. (Taylor Phillips, not Taylor Ririe whose wedding we had come for!)

I had planned to meet up with Stacey, my BFF from college, at Sonic in Draper that night. I drove there in a crazy blizzard and we decided randomly to meet at Subway instead of Sonic because drinks at a carhop didn't sound too appealing in a blizzard! We ended up at Harmon's of all places because the Subway was going to close soon. They had a little lounge area that Stacey knew about and we just enjoyed catching up for a couple hours. Thankfully the crazy blizzard had calmed down a lot, so my drive back wasn't nearly as crazy as the drive there!

Sunday morning we went to Madison's baby blessing. Keeping with tradition, she wore Peyton's blessing dress. (All of the Ririe cousins have worn the blessing outfits I first bought for Corbyn and Peyton.) 

I had fun looking back at the pictures of Peyton when she wore that dress. It's hard to believe she was ever that small!

They had a luncheon at Jared and Cailey's house after. The snow from the night before had completely melted (spring in Utah!) and we enjoyed eating on their back porch. The cake Rog and Logan are eating in this picture was amazing! (Just a white sheet cake from Smith's.)

We had planned to meet up with the Goodrich family at Temple Square before our flight home, but they had to cancel because they had a stomach bug making its way through their family. We were disappointed that we didn't get to see them, but we didn't want to bring home a stomach bug with us! 

So we just hung out at Jared and Cailey's house a little longer. Grandma Lori hid some Easter eggs for us and Jared helped me with my new computer. Then it was time to go back to Oregon. The kids passed out on the way to the airport. I think we wore them out - it was a busy weekend!

I had brought an empty carry-on bag to take home my Wood Connection purchases. Without thinking about it I put some paint and texture cream that I had bought in there and got stopped when I tried to take it through security. (I didn't think about how those would be considered liquids.) Luckily Alaska Airlines checked the bag for free for me when I went back up to the counter. (Good thing we weren't flying with Frontier - I know they wouldn't have done that!) Other than that little hiccup, it was an uneventful trip home. 

It was fun to see our family and friends and eat at some of our favorite restaurants that aren't in Oregon. Hooray for Taylor and Mariah!


  1. I'm tired all over again just thinking of that weekend.

  2. How busy and fun! Still bummed we didn't get to see you!
