Saturday, May 20, 2017


The week before Easter we had the missionaries over for dinner. Peyton and I made Krispy Easter Eggs for them. (We left out the chocolate egg in the middle.)

We missed our new ward's Easter Egg Hunt because they had it while we were in Utah, so we went to our old ward's hunt the day before Easter. They painted cute bunny faces on the kids before the hunt. 

Corbyn found a special egg with a golden ticket inside it, so he got to pick out a stuffed animal. They obviously bought them after Valentine's Day on clearance and that works for me because I'm thinking this monkey will make an excellent Valentine's Day decoration. 

After the hunt, I went on an 11 mile run. It was a gorgeous day for a run!

I came home to find the kids and Rog hard at work washing the cars.

That afternoon Rog went to Tammy Harris' baptism. He had been her husband's home teacher in the Sunnyside Ward (our old ward) and she had started taking the lessons from the missionaries about the time we were moved into the Happy Valley Ward (our new ward).

We had planned to go to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival that night, but didn't realize they closed at 6:00. We got in our car at 5:00 to make the 50 minute drive to the festival. Luckily Rog's phone informed us the festival closed at 6:00 before we started driving there or we would have been pretty upset when we got there just in time for it to close!

Instead we went to Burgerville for dinner. I had been noticing them all around town and was curious. We didn't think the burgers were amazing, but they were good. After dinner we all jumped on the tramp before bedtime.

Two days after Easter I was in charge of our big Relief Society Birthday Celebration, so I asked Rog to invite ourselves to Ron and Linda's for Easter dinner. They were doing Easter lunch instead and with church from 9-12, I knew I had to make my food assignments the night before. I was in charge of rolls and carrot cake. I also prepped monkey bread for breakfast, put together our Easter baskets, filled eggs for an Easter egg hunt at Ron and Linda's, and wrote a talk for PJ. 

It was a late night and then the morning was pretty chaotic. I asked Rog to finish up and cook the monkey bread while I took a shower. When we took them out, about half were cooked and the other half were not. We were puzzled until we realized he cooked them at the wrong temperature. We just ate the half that were cooked and laughed about it because it could have been a lot worse!

Rog got Curious Gorge (a guidebook about hiking the Columbia River Gorge) and Olaf for Disney Infinity. I got a Disney girl keychain from CharmedRoseDesigns, a Sheldon the Seahorse Tsum Tsum, and Tinkerbell for Disney Infinity. Corbyn got an R2D2 bath towel, Should I Share My Ice Cream, Hulk for Disney Infinity, and a bulldog dentist game. Peyton got a princess bath towel, Moana Little Golden Book, a stamp set, and a Twilight Sparkle My Little Pony toy. Logan got a Mickey bath towel, Disney Baby Look at Me!, a daisy stuffed animal, Mickey bowls, a Little People Donald car, and Goofy and Donald Roadster Racer cars (yes, he was spoiled).

Rog spoke in Sacrament Meeting and did an excellent job. Logan was actually really good for the meeting (although at one point he tried to race his cars down the aisle). For a lot of the meeting he put Mickey stickers on a piece of paper and then sat there and admired his work. 

We thought Peyton was supposed to be giving a talk, but there was a mix up, so another girl was giving a talk. They had Peyton give hers as well (and then she also gave one the next week 😬).

Rog was staying after church for Tammy Harris' confirmation. We took pictures in our Easter Sunday best before I left with the kids. 

Corbyn was in serious need of a haircut and Peyton's hair didn't get curled like I was planning that morning, but Logan was actually being cooperative for these pictures, so it was a win in my book.

I picked out the kids' outfits specifically so Logan could wear the Easter outfit Corbyn wore when he was almost 2 and I'm so glad I did because the side-by-side comparison is perfect.

 We went straight to Ron and Linda's after quickly changing. The kids got to hunt for some eggs before lunch. 

We had pulled pork sandwiches and some sides and it was a nice enough day to eat out on their back porch. I had been so busy with my upcoming activity, I didn't really care what we had. I was just glad I didn't have to feel like I needed to make a full Easter dinner for just our family! The only thing I really have to have for it to be Easter is my carrot cake and I made that, so I was good. 

When we came home I crashed while Logan took a nap. (That's when you know I'm tired because I do not take naps!) We threw together a very random dinner with various leftovers and then Peyton and I drove all over Happy Valley delivering invitations for her upcoming birthday party and miscellaneous things for my upcoming Relief Society activity. 

We dyed Easter eggs for FHE the day after Easter even though I was running around like a crazy person doing a million things that day.


Since college I've always just done the vinegar and food coloring method and this year was no exception.

 Easter fell at a busy busy time this year and I didn't feel like I had a lot of time to focus on the Resurrection of our Savior, but I am grateful for the moments I was able to pause and remember the glorious reason we celebrate Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am a fellow blogger and friend of a friend, which is how I stumbled upon your blog. Cute family!

