Wednesday, September 20, 2017

7 Years

Here we are 3 months past Corbyn's birthday and I'm finally getting around to posting about Corbyn at 7 years. 🙈 And I thought 2 months late was bad!

There's no official 7 year well child visit, but he was at the doctor a few weeks before his birthday for his skin issues and then a week after for a terrible stomach bug that lasted a week, so I'm including a combination of those stats. 

Corbyn's 7 year stats:

Weight: 54 pounds, 13 ounces (70th percentile)
Height: 51 inches (92th percentile)

Corbyn at 7 years:

*Is always saying, "Right?" (in the cutest voice) after he says something.
*Is a very good student and is always very well behaved. I got nothing, but excellent reports from his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Christensen, who we knew from the Sunnyside Ward.
*Loves playing video games. He has a bunch he rotates between. (Megaman, Pokemon, Mario, and Disney Infinity are some of his favorites.)
*Learned to play chess during all the recesses they had to stay inside due to rain.
*Has become a good reader. This summer he read all 9 of the Ricky Ricotta books.
*Wasn't playing with his Legos too much when they were up in his closet, so we moved them down to the family room in the built-in cabinets and they've gotten much more use again.
*Can tie his shoes like a pro.
*Doesn't really have any friends in his grade, but has a bunch of friends in the grade below him. For better or for worse, he doesn't seem to need friends to play with at recess.
*Has mostly grown out of his picky eating habits of past years. He pretty much eats anything I put in front of him (even things that used to cause him to melt down when they appeared on his plate).

He's quite the little fish (even if he's been stuck on the same level of swimming lessons for a couple years now - he just can't seem to glide on his back far enough to pass).

Wearing Grandma Lori's CPAP mask.

Grandma Lori has these cute beds for the kids to sleep on when we visit. Corbyn's already too big for them, but doesn't mind - even when I find him like this in the middle of the night.

Tricky, tricky! (I didn't crop this one very closely because Peyton is picking her nose. 😂)

I was not happy with his school picture when he brought it home, but we were at Disneyland on retake day, so it had to do.

Soccer was not his sport, but he loved having his dad be his coach.

The rest of the family did a Toy Story theme for Halloween, but he was adamant that he was going to be Iron Man.

Baby Corbyn.

Looking so big riding one of the Toon Town cars.

Big hugs for Pluto. I hope he's never too old for this.

He usually plays with the Lego minifigures or builds his own creations with his Legos, but occasionally he'll pull out an instruction book and build one of his sets.

Exhibit A. Corbyn is by far my messiest eater and it drives me bonkers! I feel like he should be able to eat without getting himself messy by now. Or at the very least, he should be able to wipe off his face after he eats, right? He just doesn't care.

Wearing Logan's clothes. Lol.

On more than one occasion, he's told us he wants to be an artist. I seriously doubt this will last, but it'll be fun to remember someday.

Corbyn and Logan traded jackets on New Year's Eve. I don't know which is funnier, Corbyn in Logan's tiny jacket or Logan in Corbyn's huge jacket.

He finally lost his first tooth in January and this is the face he gave me for his picture!

Luckily I got a cute one too!

I've already posted this picture, but it's one of my favorites. My gray men!

#4 has my heart! I loved watching him play t-ball this spring!

He was pretty excited that he got a trophy - his first one!

Exhibit B. Messiest eater ever!

He would stay inside playing video games all day, every day if we let him, but he seems to love hiking and playing in waterfalls too when we get him out.

Corbyn reminds me a lot of myself which I think is mostly a good thing. He's such a good kid and seems so grown up most of the time! I can't believe he's going to be 8 next year and will be old enough to be baptized!

1 comment:

  1. He really is the best big brother and we're all lucky to have him in our family. He's awesome!
