Friday, November 10, 2017


Last summer I started daily, themed activities (at some point I will go back and blog about those). This summer I did the same thing, but a couple of the days were different. We started the week of the 4th of July because school went so late in June and Corbyn was sick for a solid week after that. We didn't do something every single day - especially when we were out of town or busy, but it's a fun way to make sure we do something fun or have something to look forward to on the days we don't have anything else going on. 


Thanks to Pinterest, finding summer-themed crafts is super easy. We did almost a full month of patriotic crafts in July. Logan didn't participate in all the activities, but he did some.

Fireworks marble painting - I think we used a bouncy ball because we couldn't find a marble.

Firecrackers made with Elmer's glue and salt. They don't last forever, but spraying them with hairspray when they were done made them last longer.

Logan watercolored while Corbyn and Peyton painted their firecrackers. His first time I believe.

American flags painted with pom poms.

The library had Poké-Mondays in July and we finally went to the last one. They were always during Logan's nap, so I had to wake him up, but I think it was worth it. They made some Pokémon crafts, so it doubled as our craft for the day.

Corbyn was lucky enough to win a drawing for a free pack of Pokémon cards.

Starfish texture art - rubbed crayons on various surfaces, cut out the starfish, folded them a bit to make them 3D, and glued them on.

Slime! I'd never make it before, but decided to make it for our last week of summer.


I decided we'd make library day a little different by riding/running to the library. It's about a mile away and luckily the library changed their hours, so they opened at 10:00 or it would have been too hot. (They used to open at 12:00.) Logan was never happy to get in the running stroller, but he would have been too slow if I let him ride his bike and he probably wouldn't have made it the whole way.

We love the summer reading program they do. The kids quickly filled up their charts and earned their free books and the many prizes that come with completing the program. 

The free cookies from Great Harvest are one of their favorite prizes as well as the make-your-own pizza from Papa Murpheys (not pictured). 

I even won a drawing as part of the adult summer reading program and got some free stuff from a gym (like a towel, bag, etc) and some free frozen yogurt passes.


The kids love this one and look forward to it all week.

The day after the 4th of July we went to free night at Sellwood Pool. Rog didn't have scouts, so he got to come.

They even had free cake because they had just put a new roof on the building.

I got a sprinkler that could be put under the tramp and it was one of the kids' very favorite Wednesdays.

The Happy Valley Splash Pad is always a fun time. We met some friends from our ward there and took a watermelon to share.

The Hobbs came to Oregon for a family reunion with Jason's family. They were staying on the coast, so I decided to drive out there to see them for a day and Wednesday seemed like an appropriate day. The drive to the coast is beautiful and I usually miss it because I'm sleeping while Rog drives. Hard to see it, but that's Mt. Hood in the distance.

We stopped at the Seaside Aquarium. It was super cheap and after going I realized why. Not very impressive at all and tiny! But we did get to feed the sea lions.

And Peyton was incredibly brave and held the crabs.

We ended up at Cannon Beach because that was where the Hobbs were supposed to be that afternoon and for dinner.

Corbyn and Peyton had the best time playing with Blake.

Logan wasn't sure what to think of Grey. He definitely didn't want to share his pail.

The Hobbs' dinner plans changed, but I didn't want to drive to where they were eating dinner, so we ate at Mo's and then drove home. I ordered the clam chowder because they're famous for it and I'd never actually eaten clam chowder. I thought it was a little too fishy for my taste.

The next week we were having over 100 temps, so the pool was definitely the place to be! We tried out the Creston Pool in Portland. I did some Instagram editing to the picture and added shades for Logan since his eyes were closed. 😎

Rog joined us for Big Splash at the North Clackamas Aquatic Park. Corbyn was brave and did the big slides way more than he did last year. Peyton is still waiting to be tall enough for the big slides.

Putting the slide in the blow-up pool is always a hit.

Tried out the sprinkler in the yard (instead of under the tramp) and that was a hit too.


We went to a few parks we'd been to before, but mostly tried out new parks.

Altamont Park - I like this park because it has a great view of the entire city.

Alma Myra Park - this is a nice little park, but there is no parking!

Westmoreland Park - lots of people told us how much they love this park. It's in Portland, so it's a bit of a drive and it doesn't have a typical playground. We didn't think it was too great. It didn't help that it was really hot and there isn't much shade on the actual park.

North Clackamas Central Park

Tom McCall Waterfront Park - this was the week that was over 100, so I knew our park would have to include water. The Bonds joined us for a picnic and playing in the fountains there.

Ball-Michel Park - I didn't get a picnic packed this week since Peyton was doing a dance camp and I didn't have a lot of time in between dropping her off and picking her up. I had a code for $3.00 off an online order at Panda Express, so we picked up our lunch and then went to the park to eat.

Century Park - Corbyn had track camp this week, but I did pack us a lunch. We picked him up and then ate lunch/played at the park for a few minutes. The main event was using the free Slurpee coupons we had. It was the kids' first time trying a Slurpee.


We had been telling the kids for a year we'd get a turtle, but after learning they get pretty big, we decided to get fish instead. They only lasted a couple months and there's a whole story that goes along with them that I'll talk about later.

Tay and Martha came to visit for a weekend (our first visitors other than my parents). We took them to Salt and Straw and they loved it!

 We also went bowling with them.

We went to the zoo the day before my marathon and coincidentally ran into Vanessa Heber who was also running the marathon the next day. We got to do a lot more than when Corbyn and I went.

I remember the Hogle Zoo had nests like this when I was growing up.

Logan was very excited by the cougar.

And Peyton enjoyed the flamingos.

I bought water beads and filled up the water table with them for a fun afternoon of sensory play.

Corn on the cob on the tramp.

And then Moana in the parking lot.

Instead of sleeping out in the backyard, we let the kids stay up late for a movie night and then they slept on the air mattress in the living room.

A whole lot of Phillips family summer fun!

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