Monday, November 13, 2017

Rest of July

In addition to the 4th of Julymy marathon, and our summer activities...

I ended up with a bunch of vanilla ice cream and root beer leftover from my freezer meal activity. We discovered Logan loves root beer floats. But really, who doesn't?

Caught the boys playing together so nicely. I hope they can be good friends even with the age difference.

My garden started producing vegetables! First zucchini - July 3rd.

After a solid week of Corbyn not eating, we were happy to see him start eating again - messy face and all!

A fun evening spent with the Yates at Pfeifer Park.

Best buds - Beckett and Logan!

It's only a short drive through our neighborhood to Pfeifer Park (and the Yates' house as well), so we don't make the kids buckle up when we're driving to or from either location. 

(The other kids were there that night too. Apparently Logan was the one being photogenic though because I only have pictures of him.)

Summer means grocery shopping with all the kids. This was taken at Safeway where I hardly ever shop. I only go there when they have something on a really good sale (usually cereal) or if we need something really quick (it's our closest grocery store, but their normal prices are outrageous). The kids love these carts (especially Logan), but they aren't my favorite. (Logan's a bit of a crazy driver!)

Corn on the cob was a huge hit this summer!

Cow appreciation day at Chick-fil-A. Those cow masks are one of the best things I ever made.

My mom made fancy cow masks for her and the Hobbs. I love little Grey poking out from behind his mask.

First blackberry sighting of the year - July 14th.

Tay and Martha had us watch Mae the Saturday they were visiting while they went to a convention. We took her on a hike to Oregon's version of Bridal Veil Falls in the Gorge.

It was a little extra crazy with 4 kids, but not too bad.

Mae's pants got extremely dirty. Oops!

Berry picking with the kids. I get the ones up high, they get the ones through the fence.

I took the advanced tap class with the teens over the summer since they weren't offering an adult class. It was a much higher level than I was used to, but I was able to keep up with them (for the most part). We had a date night on a Thursday night (only night the Yates could watch our kids), so Rog got to come watch (after we picked up my marathon packet and grabbed dinner at Burgerville). 

Our fish had 6 tiny babies. It was really fun, but we didn't realize with that many fish in a small tank, we'd have to constantly change the water. So after a couple weeks they started dropping like flies - the big ones first and then the babies. 😥

Peyton got to have a playdate at Wren Tutt's house and she was in heaven.

We didn't make it to the temple before they closed for cleaning the last week of July, so we went to the visitor center for FHE. The kids don't see the temple as frequently as they did in Utah since it's on the other side of Portland and we usually only go over there without them, so we figured it would be good to take them there.

The Hobbs stayed with us for a night before they flew home after their family reunion. Blake was throwing up, so the boys stayed at our house while we took Diana and Skyler to Multnomah Falls.

Skyler and Logan fell asleep in the car, so Roger stayed behind with them and the rest of us hiked to the top.


By the time we made it back to the bottom, they were awake and exploring the lower views of the falls.

After the falls we ate at some food trucks and then took them to Salt and Straw.

On Sunday Blake was feeling better, but Skyler was throwing up. (We were sure our kids would get it, but they never did. 😅)

We took them berry picking and then I made a blackberry crisp to go with the dinner I made them before they had to leave to catch their flight.

It was very hot. Look at those red faces!

On the 31st, Roger left for a week to hike 50 miles with the scouts.

The kids and I celebrated Harry Potter's birthday while he was gone.

I got most of my Christmas quilt cut in July.

I also got some trees sewn. This was the first block I finished. 😍 One down, 63 to go!

Dixie made a flag quilt out of fabric strips and wrote up a tutorial on how to make it, but she didn't have any pictures of the process, so I decided to make one and take pictures along the way to post to her Instagram account. It took me awhile to gather the fabric for it. I ordered most of it from different Etsy shops.

My first attempt at sewing the red/white strips of my flag quilt together was a complete fail. I learned that when you're sewing strips together, you have to alternate which direction you sew the strips or you end up with a very bowed bunch of strips. (I'll talk about what I did to use that first failed attempt later.)

After that first failed attempt, I was very happy when my second attempt was a success!

I'm on a mission to make a door hanging for every month. I love how July's turned out!

USA blocks. I also made some (with different papers), for my friend, Melissa Yates because she served in the Navy (as a L&D nurse).

And that was our July!

1 comment:

  1. Oh those little carts! I can't stand them...the kids always end up playing bumper cars with them and I lose my patience. Gah!
