Thursday, December 28, 2017

A Day in Seattle

Since our trip to Seattle for our anniversary, we (or maybe more accurately I) had been wanting to take the kids there. We thought it'd be fun to take the kids to a MLB game, so I checked the Mariners' schedule and found a game that would work for us (September 21st at 1:00 pm) and planned to make a (quick) weekend out of it. 

Our family pictures had previously been rained out and then got rescheduled for the night we were leaving for Seattle. We took them at 5:00, got some gas/dinner, and then headed up to Seattle. We figured the kids would just fall asleep, but with the DVD player, they stayed awake much longer than we had anticipated. We finally made it to our hotel (the same one we stayed at on our anniversary trip) around 11:30. 

We happened to be in room 210 which is significant because our first apartment where we lived for the first 3 years of our marriage was apartment 210.

We ate breakfast and then checked out of our hotel. Corbyn had learned about the Space Needle in school (or maybe just learned of it) and was excited that he could see it from our hotel.

We walked down to the waterfront and got this awesome shot on the way.

We had considered going to the aquarium, but decided against it when we saw the price. (We knew it was expensive, but not that expensive!) So we just enjoyed the view at the waterfront.

And took pictures with this wooden fish statue. (We'll do the aquarium another time when we have more time and can do it as part of the Seattle City Pass.)

We stopped by the gum wall and added some gum to it. It had been cleaned just a week before (apparently they do it once a year), so it wasn't nearly as impressive as when we saw it, but the kids still thought it was cool and loved chewing gum to stick on there since we don't usually chew gum at our house.

We had lunch at Pike Place. 

Then we got a Cream Cheese Vatrushka from Piroshky Piroshky and headed back to our car.

Finding a parking spot for the game was impossible, but we eventually found one (probably a half mile away) and walked to the ballpark. The Mariners were playing the Indians who were the best team in baseball at that point, so we lost. But seeing as how we aren't huge fans, it wasn't that big of a deal. We just had fun watching the game in near perfect weather. 

The kids joined the Kids Club while we were there and got free bags, lanyards, and whiffle balls which they thought was cool. They weren't super into the game and were tired from their late night, so we ended up leaving after the 7th inning stretch.

We had dinner at Red Mill Burgers (pretty good burgers, amazing shakes) and headed home.

It was a quick trip, but a fun one! We love living close enough to Seattle that we can visit it frequently!

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