Saturday, December 29, 2018


Baseball was a huge part of our May. Two games a week plus a Saturday morning practice all month!

When I had Logan tested at 2 1/2 through the Clackamas Education Service Department, they said to bring him back at 3 because at 3 they expect them to be saying much more. I called when he turned 3, but it took them forever to get him in. May 2nd was his speech evaluation and he definitely qualified.

Corbyn got this Dunk Hat for his birthday last year. It was a hit last year and the kids were excited to get it out for FHE as soon as the weather started warming up.

I don't remember all the details of this picture, but it's too funny (and cute) not to post. I think he woke up from a rare nap, I had him go to the bathroom, and then he fell asleep again before I could get his pants back on him.

We made it to the Tulip Festival right before it ended again this year. One of these years we'll make it when the tulips are in their prime, but they were beautiful nonetheless.

Rog was getting the strip of dirt in front of our house ready to be hydro-seeded. He borrowed our neighbor's rototiller and broke it when he found some cement. 

He was able to break it up, get rid of the cement, and fix the rototiller, so it all worked out in the end.

More toddler swapping with Logan's friend, Riley.

They tried to give all the kids a chance to try playing all the different positions. Corbyn didn't try pitching, but he tried all the other positions. It was my favorite when he played catcher.

I put together some pink packages for my mom and mother-in-law for Mother's Day.

Nap precautions. Pee is much easier to clean up off the hard floor than the carpet or couch.

Bob's Red Mill started distributing their surplus (for free) at our ward building about every 6 weeks. I got a bunch of ground flaxseed meal and was searching for recipes that use a lot of it. I found this recipe that uses 1 cup. My family liked them the first time I made them (except for Corbyn because they made his mouth itch), but they weren't as popular the second time I made them.

I watched Logan's friend, Everett, one morning. He enjoyed having a little buddy to play with.

This is a rare occurrence, but I always love it when Logan helps me make dinner because it means he isn't watching a show!

I made these for the kids' teachers for teacher appreciation week. Idea from here.

Rog took Corbyn and Logan on the Fathers and Sons Campout. It was Logan's first time going!

They had a great time!

What a sweet sleeping boy.

While they were gone Peyton and I went to Home Depot to get plants and Michaels to get a fairy house (and other fairy things) for a fairy garden.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble to get Peyton her free birthday cupcake and Starbucks to get me a free treat I had from there.

In the morning we planted our fairy garden while we waited for the boys to get home.

We also planted tomatoes, zucchini, and yellow squash in our garden. And this was the day we took our family pictures.

That night I had a burst of motivation and got the rest of Peyton's quilt cut out.

The next day was Mother's Day. We had Easy Orange Rolls and Orange Dreamsicle Smoothies for breakfast. (Very similar to what we had for breakfast on Easter morning, but different orange rolls.)

Being a mom to these three is the best.

Quote from Disney's Peter Pan.

Logan gave me the great gift of him falling asleep in my arms.

And I was spoiled with lots of other gifts as well.

I helped the kids do a lemonade stand one afternoon. We always have much better success in the spring because we have lots of teens walking down our street from the high school. In the summer our street is much less busy and we've found people are much more likely to stop when they're walking by than when they are driving by.

Peyton found a new way to entertain herself during Corbyn's baseball games.

My friend Tracy invited me and Logan to go to the zoo with her and Riley one day.

I watched my friend Jennie's daughter Auggie for her one morning. She had warned me that she was hard, but I didn't believe her until after I watched her.

Corbyn's class made contraptions to hold eggs and protect them in a fall. Unlike when he was in Kindergarten, his egg survived!

More playing at the park during baseball.

Our friend Brenton helped Rog get bark dust for our yard. We used this load mostly for the backyard.

I had helped my friend Susie cut out some letters on my Silhouette for a project her daughter was doing in school. I didn't expect any repayment, but she brought me these beautiful flowers from her garden.

We made ice cream for a Sunday evening treat. Logan was mesmerized by the ice cream maker.

It was a beautiful Sunday, so after dinner we took a walk around the neighborhood.

And then had our ice cream treat (with homemade ice cream and homemade waffle cones).

I got out the tea set when Riley was over one morning. I think Logan was more into it than she was though.

We cleaned the garage out and then went to Baskin Robbins for a treat on a Tuesday night because they have Tuesday family night there with super cheap cones. 

I finally got around to blogging about my miscarriage last November.

And then found out I was pregnant again. I kind of suspected I was, but delayed taking the test until after I finished blogging about it since I didn't want to say if I was. Spoiler alert: that pregnancy also wasn't meant to be. (More on that in June.)

I went with Corbyn on a field trip to the Smith and Bybee Wetlands Natural Area. I was definitely allergic to something because the minute we got off the bus, I started sneezing and was miserable the whole time.

We saw some turtles on a log.

A blue herring fishing for its lunch.

And a hummingbird feeding its babies. Despite the sneezing, I was glad I could spend the afternoon with Corbyn.

The Martyns watched our kids for us for a few minutes on a Friday afternoon while we went to get some plants from a garden center.

We had to do some creative spacing with all the power, internet, and other lines going through that area.

Our neighbor was so excited that we finally got this area done. It looks much better with some plants and fresh bark dust there.

Logan was having a rough Sunday afternoon (and Rog was gone doing bishopric stuff), so we loaded up and drove around until he fell asleep.

Then we played games while he slept when we got home.

I finished this bee shelf in our master bedroom.

We celebrated Memorial Day by hosting a neighborhood BBQ.

We grilled ribs and I made a double batch of these S'mores Kiss Blossom Cookies.

We helped take down flags at the Willamette National Cemetery again this year. It's quickly becoming a favorite tradition for our family!

Logan was on a pirate kick for a few days.

We finally splurged and got an awesome folding wagon from Costco for carrying gear (and small humans) at Corbyn's baseball games.

The kids had Wacky Day at school. We did Peyton's hair a little crazy.

And both kids wore their shirts backwards and wore crazy socks.

And that was May!

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