Friday, January 18, 2019

2019 Goals


*Survive this final pregnancy.
*Read 24 books including 12 from Modern Mrs. Darcy's 2019 Reading Challenge.
*Finish a Project a Month in 2019.


*Build a shed.
*Read the Book of Mormon from start to finish.
*Run Hood to Coast.


*Fast 1 meal every Fast Sunday.
*Develop a habit of reading the scriptures every day (on his own).
*Score a basket in a basketball game.


*Move up to Tumble II.
*Learn to have fun playing games even if she loses.


*Learn to talk.
*Learn to count to 10.
*Learn his letters.

Family Goals:

*Go to the temple and on a date once a month.
*Visit at least one National Park.
*Adjust to having 4 kids.

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